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Closed Petition closed 12th July 2021

Work to establish a global Severance Guarantee Fund for clothing supply chains - Final Signatures: 17

The government must work with key stakeholders around the world to establish a global Severance Guarantee Fund to provide legally mandated severance pay and outstanding wages to garment workers in global supply chains when factories, or UK brands like Topshop or Debenhams, enter administration.

Closed Petition closed 13th November 2021

Increase entitlements to rest breaks at work - Final Signatures: 16

Workers, during six hours of toil should be entitled to one 30-minute break and one 10-15 minute break, or within eight hours of toil a 40-minute break and two 10-15 minutes breaks. The current 20 min for 6 hours is inadequate.

Closed Petition closed 28th March 2023

Commit to keeping the 48 hour Working Time Directive rules for all UK Workers - Final Signatures: 18

It's been reported that the Government might consider removing the 48 Hour Working Time Directive. The Government must commit to keeping this in place. We as UK working force need this protection. Specially for shift workers are working long hours & not receiving reasonable rest breaks

Closed Petition closed 19th January 2023

Add a legal requirement for insurance companies to verify a policy holder's ID. - Final Signatures: 18

It is too easy to commit insurance fraud in the UK. Many UK insurance companies do not ask for ID from the policyholder prior to granting insurance. Please make it a legal requirement that an insurance company asks for and checks a policyholder's ID prior to a new policy being allowed to start.

Closed Petition closed 15th December 2022

Make it mandatory for all retailers to show how much VAT consumers have spent. - Final Signatures: 18

Make it a legal requirement that those purchasing goods that have VAT attached to them can see how much VAT has been spent when given a receipt at whichever retailer they've purchased products from. Make it mandatory that people see how much goes back to the Treasury.

Closed Petition closed 4th January 2023

Make it illegal to refuse to employ or dismiss a person based on their tattoos - Final Signatures: 21

Make it so that employers can't fire existing employees or refuse to hire future ones because of a tattoo. The only legal exception to the rule should be if the tattoo depicts or endorses inappropriate or discriminatory behavior.

Closed Petition closed 27th December 2022

Move all Monday bank holidays to a Friday - Final Signatures: 21

I believe the Jubilee weekend has demonstrated that a Friday is better for everyone, and that this change will benefit works as long weekends would start on a prime day for socialising, and many people are more productive at the beginning of the working week.

Closed Petition closed 13th June 2023

Do not introduce laws to restrict strike action - Final Signatures: 5,123

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he is working on "new tough laws" to protect people from strike disruption. [1]

We the undersigned fully support industrial action by NHS staff, public transport staff, teachers, etc. We oppose the creation of laws restricting industrial action in any way.

Closed Petition closed 22nd December 2022

Make remote working, where possible, a statutory employment right - Final Signatures: 39

The government should make it so that remote working requests must be honoured as standard and only in cases where it is impossible for the job to be done remotely should the request be denied. By making it a requestable right, only those who it would suit would access it.

Closed Petition closed 26th April 2022

Mandatory bleed control kits and training for establishments serving alcohol. - Final Signatures: 109

Bleed kits can be the difference between life or death in the event of a catastrophic puncture wound.

These kits are cheap and compliment traditional first aid equipment in locations with higher risks of such events occurring, early intervention would certainly reduce the amount of fatalities.