Require large companies to only use responsibly sourced palm oil in products.

Enforce this with large UK based companies only to produce products containing responsibly sourced palm oil which is grown as a result of deforestation in rainforests and other vital habitats, endangering many animals around the world.

This petition closed on 19 Nov 2022 with 102 signatures

Reticulating Splines

My daughter (7 years old) came across a book in the local library about endangered Orangutans and the devastating affect/decline in numbers due to deforestation to make way for palm oil plantations. We were incredibly shocked at the amount of our household products that contained palm oil from non-responsible sources and have made drastic changes to our shopping each week in light of this. My daughter has spoken to her school, friends and family encouraging them to #checkyourcupboards but she wants to do more!

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines