Ban social media influencers from promoting/advertising cosmetic surgery

I want the Government to make it illegal for social media influencers to promote or advertise cosmetic surgery. We believe this could help prevent often vulnerable individuals seeking plastic surgery, especially from cheap providers abroad.

849 Signatures

Wednesday 10th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 10th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 1,224

Reticulating Splines

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I was struggling with my body image and after being influenced by many influencers decided to pay for plastic surgery abroad.

Influencers are required to make it clear when they are advertising products or services, but we think new rules are needed to ban social media influencers from promoting/advertising cosmetic surgery at all. I believe this would benefit the mental and physical health of citizens, and reduce the burden on the NHS of patients who need treatment following cosmetic surgery.

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Reticulating Splines