Set new guidance and requirements for animals in early years settings

Animals are used in nurseries and pre-schools as “pets” or demonstrations. We believe welfare standards for these animals are often not met, such as adequate food and housing, and long-term care provision. We want new guidance and requirements, including for lifelong care plans, to be introduced.

58 Signatures

Tuesday 9th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Wednesday 9th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 236

Reticulating Splines

You may be interested in these active petitions

1. Exempt all early years settings in England from business rates - 3,033 signatures
2. Introduce new legal requirements for vets prior to euthanasia of dogs & cats - 21,260 signatures
3. Introduce new air quality and PPE rules for health and social care settings - 2,824 signatures
4. Ban the sale of inappropriately sized enclosures and wheels for small animals - 10,488 signatures
5. Remove statutory defence for not meeting pipeline safety requirements - 2,027 signatures

There is currently a rehoming crisis, and birds hatched in educational settings contribute to this crisis.

Besides which, we believe current practice teaches young children that animals should be disposed of when they are no longer cute, useful, or seasonally relevant (ie. after Easter), and that this sets an atrocious example.

Already this year hundreds of ducklings and chicks are in search of homes having been hatched in educational settings with zero forward planning.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines