Create an independent body with oversight of senior leadership in all schools

We want a new body to monitor senior leaders in all schools and intervene in any toxic environments created by senior leaders. Allow frontline staff to approach this body directly with concerns. There should be an investigation if a certain % of staff off sick or high staff turnover.

50 Signatures

Tuesday 16th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 113

Reticulating Splines

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Teachers are leaving at a high rate and recruitment is poor. We believe that many teachers are subject to toxic working environments where they can be bullied, policies ignored and even laws broken. We are concerned that many frontline staff live in fear of becoming the next target, keeping quiet about workload, lack of support with challenging behaviour or unfair decisions till breaking. Even if successful in submitting a formal grievance against senior leaders, they may not be removed or may get severance pay, while affected staff might suffer mental health consequences.

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