Provide adequate financial support to nursing students during their degrees

Increase student finance loans for nursing students due to longer academic years. We read for 42 weeks of the year, complete 2,300hrs of unpaid placements across our degree and receive the same financial support as other students.

This petition was rejected on 12th Apr 2024 as it duplicates an existing petition

The Petition Committee commented:
You may wish to sign: Scrap student fees for nursing, midwifery and paramedic students Ensure student nurses are paid whilst they are on clinical placement Fund increased bursary for student nurses

Reticulating Splines

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26,755 left the nursing profession (NMC) during March 2022 and March 2023. Applications to nursing fell by 8% in 2022 as reported by UCAS. Final year applications to student finance decrease as standard, but this still effects nursing students despite the longer academic year.