Ban social media for under 16s

I believe there should be a new law banning social media for under 16 year olds.

31 Signatures

Thursday 18th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Friday 18th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 159

Reticulating Splines

You may be interested in these active petitions

1. Ban smartphones and camera phones for under 16s - 24,432 signatures
2. Give parents/guardians a right to access social media accounts of their children - 5,438 signatures
3. Ban NDAs & confidentiality clauses for bullying, discrimination & harassment - 2,533 signatures
4. Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes - 54,242 signatures
5. Ban attempting to religiously convert or “revert” a child without parent consent - 10,984 signatures

Many parents don't want their children to have phones or use social media especially so young, but nobody wants their child 'left out' or bullied for not being included in the world of technology and so most parents allow their children to be involved with lack of understanding and powerless in some ways to protect their children from online harm including mental health disorders. Social media can be damaging to children, yet I don’t think the companies are held accountable. Protect future generations.

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Reticulating Splines