Pregnancy: Conditions of Employment

(asked on 16th September 2015) - View Source


To ask the Minister for Women and Equalities, what support the Government provides to pregnant women and new mothers to ensure that they are aware of their rights at work.

Answered by
Caroline Dinenage Portrait
Caroline Dinenage
This question was answered on 12th October 2015

The government funds the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) and the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) to help employers and individuals understand their rights and responsibilities at work.

The government also funds the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) which has a wide range of information and support specifically aimed at pregnant women, new mothers and their employers, available on their website.

The government commissioned new research from the EHRC into the attitudes of employers on pregnancy and maternity leave, as well as the prevalence and causes of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.It is the largest ever study of pregnancy and maternity-related discrimination in Great Britain, interviewing 3000 employers and 3000 mothers. The final report will be published later this year and will inform any further action the government takes to ensure both employers and employees are fully aware of their legal obligations and rights.

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