End 'other children a paying parent supports' deductions to Child Maintenance.

The CMS purports to exist to assist separated parents. Why then does it take financial support away from the child(ren) that are in need of it? Parentage is assumed if the 'paying parent' meets certain criteria - surely, then, these criteria should be applied when considering these deductions?

This petition closed on 4 Sep 2020 with 74 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Family Law - namely the Children Act 1989 - stipulates that the Court's paramount consideration shall lie with the welfare of the child. Is financial support not directly linked to the child's welfare? Any single parent can tell you that even Child Maintenance payments often do not come close to providing the standard of life that you hope for your child. Clothes, shoes, books/toys, school trips, uniforms, school donations, holidays - the list of financial demands as a single parent are endless!

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Reticulating Splines