Department for Transport

We work with our agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK’s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. We plan and invest in transport infrastructure to keep the UK on the move.

Secretary of State


Louise Haigh
Secretary of State for Transport

Shadow Ministers / Spokeperson
Liberal Democrat
Baroness Randerson (LD - Life peer)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Transport)

Helen Whately (Con - Faversham and Mid Kent)
Shadow Secretary of State for Transport
Junior Shadow Ministers / Deputy Spokesperson
Alec Shelbrooke (Con - Wetherby and Easingwold)
Shadow Minister (Transport)
Junior Shadow Ministers / Deputy Spokesperson
Greg Smith (Con - Mid Buckinghamshire)
Shadow Parliamentary Under Secretary (Transport)
Kieran Mullan (Con - Bexhill and Battle)
Shadow Parliamentary Under Secretary (Transport)
Ministers of State
Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill (Lab - Life peer)
Minister of State (Department for Transport)
Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of State
Lilian Greenwood (Lab - Nottingham South)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
Mike Kane (Lab - Wythenshawe and Sale East)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
Simon Lightwood (LAB - Wakefield and Rothwell)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
There are no upcoming events identified
Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Lords Chamber
Select Committee Docs
Tuesday 28th May 2024
Select Committee Inquiry
Friday 30th June 2023
Future of transport data

The Transport Committee is inquiring into the potential uses of data to improve planning and delivery of transport services, management …

Written Answers
Friday 26th July 2024
Shrewsbury-Wolverhampton Railway Line: Electrification
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of the feasibility of electrifying the …
Secondary Legislation
Thursday 23rd May 2024
M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) Regulations 2024
These Regulations revoke and replace the M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) Regulations 2000 which imposed speed limit restrictions on the M621 …
Thursday 25th July 2024
High Speed Rail (Crewe - Manchester) Bill 2024-26
A Bill to make provision for a railway between a junction with Phase 2a of High Speed 2 south of …
Dept. Publications
Friday 26th July 2024

Department for Transport Commons Appearances

Oral Answers to Questions is a regularly scheduled appearance where the Secretary of State and junior minister will answer at the Dispatch Box questions from backbench MPs

Other Commons Chamber appearances can be:
  • Urgent Questions where the Speaker has selected a question to which a Minister must reply that day
  • Adjornment Debates a 30 minute debate attended by a Minister that concludes the day in Parliament.
  • Oral Statements informing the Commons of a significant development, where backbench MP's can then question the Minister making the statement.

Westminster Hall debates are performed in response to backbench MPs or e-petitions asking for a Minister to address a detailed issue

Written Statements are made when a current event is not sufficiently significant to require an Oral Statement, but the House is required to be informed.

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Jul. 22
Written Statements
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Acts of Parliament created in the 2024 Parliament

Department for Transport has not passed any Acts during the 2024 Parliament

Department for Transport - Secondary Legislation

These Regulations revoke and replace the M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) Regulations 2000 which imposed speed limit restrictions on the M621 Motorway in Leeds. They also revoke the M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) (Amendment) Regulations 2007, which amended the M621 Motorway (Speed Limit) Regulations 2000.
These Regulations implement outstanding amendments to Chapter VI of the Annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (“the Convention”), which relates to carriage of cargoes and oil fuels by ships engaged on international voyages.
View All Department for Transport Secondary Legislation


e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.

If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.

If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).

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Departmental Select Committee

Transport Committee

Commons Select Committees are a formally established cross-party group of backbench MPs tasked with holding a Government department to account.

At any time there will be number of ongoing investigations into the work of the Department, or issues which fall within the oversight of the Department. Witnesses can be summoned from within the Government and outside to assist in these inquiries.

Select Committee findings are reported to the Commons, printed, and published on the Parliament website. The government then usually has 60 days to reply to the committee's recommendations.

0 Members of the Transport Committee
Transport Committee: Previous Inquiries
Young and novice drivers Coronavirus: implications for transport e-scooters HS2: update NATS: failure in air traffic management systems Railway network disruption over Christmas Work of the Department for Transport 2010-15 The work of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency Volkswagen Group emissions violations Operation Stack inquiry Vehicle type approval inquiry All lane running inquiry Surface transport to airports inquiry Road traffic law enforcement inquiry Road haulage sector: Skills and workforce planning inquiry Maritime Policy and Coastguard Modernisation inquiry The Department for Transport and rail policy Investing in the railway NATS inquiry Network Rail: update Strategic river crossings Motoring of the future Smaller airports Government motoring agencies - the user perspective Transport's winter resilience: Christmas 2013 Transport's winter resilience: rail flooding Security on the railway The cost of motor insurance: whiplash Airports Commission: Interim Report Draft National Policy Statement on National Networks Cycling safety: follow up High Speed Rail: follow up Offshore helicopter safety Access to ports Transport and the Olympics The work of the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) Local authority parking enforcement Cost of motor insurance: whiplash Aviation Strategy Competition in the local bus market Access to transport for people with disabilities Low Carbon Vehicles Marine Pilotage Land Transport Security Road Freight Road Safety Rail 2020 Rail franchising Transport's winter resilience The Work of Network Rail Local decision making on transport spending Better roads Maritime strategy Safety at level crossings Drink & drug driving law Transport and the economy Cost of motor insurance Bus services after the Spending Review Licensing of taxis and private hire vehicles Effective road and traffic management Impact on transport of adverse weather conditions Sulphur emissions by ships Cable theft on the railway Work of the DVLA and DSA Draft Civil Aviation Bill Flight time limitations Air Travel Organisers' Licensing (ATOL) reform Coastguard Service Regional breakdown of public transport expenditure Cancellation of the InterCity West Coast franchise competition Passenger transport in isolated communities Cancelled Rail electrification schemes inquiry Intercity East Coast rail franchise inquiry Traffic Commissioners inquiry Active travel inquiry Local roads funding and governance Pre-appointment hearing on ORR inquiry Rail timetable changes inquiry BMW vehicle recall inquiry Freight and Brexit inquiry Health of the bus market inquiry Network Rail priorities inquiry Taxi and private hire reform in England inquiry HS2: update with Allan Cook inquiry Pavement parking inquiry Road Safety inquiry Trains fit for the future? inquiry The work of Highways England inquiry Williams Rail Review inquiry Priorities of the new Secretary of State for Transport inquiry Departmental policy and performance: Update with the Secretary of State inquiry Railways: Update with the Rail Minister inquiry Road safety: young and novice drivers inquiry Road safety: mobile phones inquiry Community Transport inquiry Airports National Policy Statement (NPS) inquiry Policy priorities for the Department for Transport inquiry Aviation and Brexit inquiry Mobility as a Service inquiry Rail infrastructure investment inquiry National Drowning Prevention Strategy one-off session Transocean Winner incident and emergency towing vessels one-off session Maritime Growth Study inquiry Airspace management and modernisation inquiry Vauxhall vehicle fires one-off session Airports National Policy Statement inquiry Volkswagen emissions follow-up session Drones inquiry HS2: CH2M contract one-off session Rail compensation one-off session Rail franchising inquiry Rail technology: signalling and traffic management inquiry Improving the rail passenger experience inquiry Airport expansion in the South East inquiry Bus Services Bill inquiry Urban congestion inquiry Departmental priorities and annual report and accounts one-off session High Speed Two one-off session Rail safety inquiry Vauxhall Zafira B fires one-off session Trains fit for the future? Self-driving vehicles Accessible transport: legal obligations National Networks National Policy Statement Strategic road investment Our future transport Minimum service levels for rail Future of transport data Strategic transport objectives Active travel Departmental policy and performance: Update with the Secretary of State Health of the bus market Local roads funding and governance Pavement parking Priorities of the new Secretary of State for Transport Railways: Update with the Rail Minister Road Safety Road safety: mobile phones Road safety: young and novice drivers Trains fit for the future? Williams Rail Review The work of Highways England

50 most recent Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department

17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of the feasibility of electrifying the railway line between Birmingham, Wellington and Shrewsbury.

Midlands Connect, a sub-national transport body which researches, develops and progresses transport projects in the Midlands, is prioritising line speed improvements to this railway line over electrification. They are in the process of refreshing the Business Case for line speed improvements, which they plan to submit towards the end of 2024. It will be important to consider a range of options to progress decarbonisation of the rail network, and I expect to receive advice on this matter later this year.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether her Department plans to review future capital expenditure on the concrete roads programme.

In the second Road Investment Strategy (RIS2), National Highways committed to invest £400 million between 2020 and 2025 on the replacement and repair of England’s remaining concrete roads. The programme of replacing worn-out concrete roads is expected to continue into the 2030s. The scale of future investment in the concrete roads programme will be determined as part of the third Road Investment Strategy (RIS3) setting process for 2025-2030.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
23rd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will have discussions with HS2 Ltd to ensure that HS2 works in Aylesbury constituency result in minimal disruption.

The Department and I are working closely with HS2 Ltd to ensure that, as we deliver the railway, local communities are involved, informed, and treated with the respect they deserve. Construction of a project on the scale of HS2 will inevitably affect many people, including residents of Aylesbury, but a wide range of controls are in place, including a comprehensive Code of Construction Practice, and independent Commissioners, to minimise disruption as far as possible and to respond to any concerns raised. In recognition of those impacts that remain, however, local people may be interested in applying to the HS2 Community and Environment Fund, which provides grant funding for beneficial projects along the line of the route, and to mitigate the impact of HS2 works.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of the potential impact of the Deregulation Act 2015 on the number and proportion of licences to operate taxis within local authority areas that were granted by other local authorities; and what information her Department holds on the number and proportion of licences to operate taxis in Harlow that were granted by local authorities other than Harlow Council in each year since 2015.

The Deregulation Act 2015 enabled Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) operators to sub-contract bookings to each other across licensing boundaries, but the legislation has always allowed taxis and PHVs to operate outside of the area in which they are licensed. Taxis can only ply for hire (pick up passengers at taxi ranks or be hailed in the street) in the area in which they are licensed, but pre-booked work by PHVs and taxis can be undertaken anywhere.

The Department for Transport does not hold any information about the number and proportion of PHV drivers operating in the Harlow area but licensed by other licensing authorities. As of 1 April 2023, there were 346,300 licensed taxi and PHV drivers in England, of which 264 were licensed by Harlow Council.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what plans she has to improve the bus network in Newcastle-under-Lyme constituency.

The government knows that Britain needs a modern transport network to help kickstart economic growth. Good local bus services are an essential part of prosperous and sustainable communities. As announced in the King’s Speech, the government will pass the Better Buses Bill to put the power over local bus services back in the hands of local leaders right across England, to ensure networks can meet the needs to the communities who rely on them, including in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

We also plan to empower local transport authorities through reforming bus funding. By giving local leaders more control and flexibility over bus funding they can plan ahead to deliver their local transport priorities. The Department will work closely with local leaders and bus operators to deliver on the government’s ambitions.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what recent assessment she has made of the adequacy of the service provided by Avanti West Coast.

The performance of Avanti West Coast (AWC) has been inadequate, with too many cancellations and delays. Poor Network Rail infrastructure reliability has also contributed to the disruption experienced by passengers. The Secretary of State met with the Managing Director of AWC and the Network Rail Route Director on 16 July to challenge them on poor performance and demand immediate action to deliver urgent improvements.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will publish the average cost per passenger journey to the public purse of the £2 bus fare cap in each local transport authority.

The £2 National Bus Fare Cap is a voluntary scheme for eligible bus operators, who are provided a bespoke funding allocation to reimburse the difference between the cap and the shadow commercial fare. This is calculated using the Department for Transport’s methodology which uses each operator’s historic and present data to predict ticket sales for each period of the scheme.

It is not possible to calculate the average cost per passenger journey in each Local Transport Authority (LTA) because the reimbursement is provided directly to bus operators, who do not operate exclusively within LTA boundaries. The total government investment to cap bus fares at £2 between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024 is around £600 million.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether she plans to review the licensing of taxis.

The Government keeps all policies under review. We will be considering what actions can be taken to improve the existing taxi and private hire vehicle licensing system.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what her policy is on the bus fare cap post 2024.

Delivering reliable and affordable public transport services for passengers is one of my top priorities as I know how important this is for passengers and for local growth. The government is urgently considering the most effective and affordable ways to deliver on these objectives.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
23rd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make it her policy to bring forward legislative proposals to make permanent the temporary weigh limits for volumetric mobile concrete plants.

A temporary arrangement has been in place since 2018. The previous administration held a call for evidence last year and we will consider the evidence carefully before coming to a view.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the economic impact of the cancellation of further stages of HS2; and whether they intend to undertake a formal reassessment of the new infrastructure required to improve rail services in the north of England, north Wales and Scotland, and on what timescale.

Transport is an essential part of our mission to rebuild Britain and this Government is committed to delivering infrastructure that works for the whole country. We need a long-term approach to infrastructure and investment taking account of local transport priorities, which is what we will provide. We will thoroughly review the position we have inherited before setting out more detailed plans in due course.

Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill
Minister of State (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, with reference to the independent report entitled Birmingham City Council: Statutory intervention update letter from Commissioners of 9 January 2024, published on 22 February 2024, whether her Department responded to the separate letter on the Birmingham Highways PFI contract; and if she will place a copy of that letter in the House of Commons Library.

Department for Transport officials sent a letter to Birmingham City Council’s chief executive to acknowledge receipt of the letter in question and to offer a meeting to discuss the PFI contract. The letter from DfT officials will be deposited in the House of Commons Library.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of the potential merits of using capital expenditure released by the cancellation of elements of HS2 project for (a) roads, (b) buses and(c) potholes.

This Government is committed to ensuring that people have access to transport that enables them to travel to the destinations they want to reach and meets their needs. As my Right Honourable Friend the Chancellor has set out, the first step is undertaking an assessment of the spending inheritance from the previous Government. This includes examining the funding commitments made in the Network North Command Paper.

The assessment of spending inheritance will be set out before the summer recess.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what discussions she has had with Network Rail on (a) the status of the Ely area capacity enhancement and (b) its potential impact on rail capacity for the Cambridge to Norwich route.

Both the Rail Minister and I are early in our tenure as Transport Ministers, and he is yet to speak to Network Rail regarding the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement. However, as Transport Ministers we recognise the benefits the scheme could bring for freight and passenger rail services in East Anglia, including the Cambridge to Norwich route. The Rail Minister looks forward to discussing these proposals with Network Rail and other stakeholders in due course.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether her Department plans to provide £153 million funding for local highways maintenance in Shropshire.

This Government takes the condition of local roads very seriously and is committed to maintaining and renewing our road network as a priority, on which Ministers will say more in future.

The previous Government made a number of funding commitments in the Network North Command Paper, and these will be examined closely by this Government in the coming months.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, how many new emergency refuges will be constructed as part of the programme of retrofitting to existing smart motorways.

National Highways is constructing 150 additional Emergency Refuge Areas across the All Lane Running smart motorway network. Construction, which is already well underway, began in 2022. The project is expected to be completed by the end of March 2025.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether her Department has had discussions with (a) Cornwall Council and (b) National Highways on road safety on the (a) A30 and (b) B3257 junction at Plusha.

The Department is aware of the safety issues at the junction between the A30 and B3257 at Plusha. National Highways maintains regular contact with the officers and local Members of Cornwall Council, as well as emergency services and other key stakeholders, including Vision Zero South West, regarding possible safety improvements for this stretch of the A30 as part of its A30 Kennards House to Five Lanes Safety Study.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps her Department is taking to help people living in rural villages to benefit from safe active travel routes to larger urban areas to access (a) schools and (b) retail and other services.

Active Travel England (ATE) provides funding and support to all local authorities in England, including those in rural areas. For example, ATE provides training on infrastructure design guidance and is developing specific guidance for good practice application in rural areas. In 2024, ATE also provided £1 million to the ten National Parks in England to help them develop better links to rural towns and villages.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what recent assessment she has made of (a) the adequacy of services provided by London Northwestern Railway and (b) whether London Northwestern Railway is meeting its obligations set out in the West Midlands Trains Limited 2021 rail contract.

The Department continues to work closely with West Midlands Trains (WMT), which operates London Northwestern Railway services to monitor its adequacy.

The Department also monitors compliance with WMT’s contractual obligations. Although operational performance has recently been impacted by a significant number of infrastructure and weather-related incident. WMT’s performance was above expectations and other contractual metrics have also been within acceptable levels overall.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what her Department's policy is on the proposed third runway at Heathrow Airport.

This Government is committed to securing the long-term future of the aviation sector in the UK and recognises the benefits of the connectivity it creates between the UK and the rest of the world.

We have been clear that any expansion proposals at Heathrow Airport would need to demonstrate that they contribute to country-wide economic growth, are compatible with the UK’s legally binding climate change commitments and meet strict environmental standards on air quality and noise pollution.

Mike Kane
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if he will make it his policy that the Veterans Railcard should cost the same as the HM Forces Railcard.

We recognise the contribution of current and former members of the armed forces, with both the HM Forces Railcard and the Veteran’s Railcard offering excellent value for money. The Veteran’s Railcard is managed by the Rail Delivery Group whereas the HM Forces Railcard is administered by the Ministry of Defence. There are no current plans to change the cost of the Veteran’s Railcard.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps her Department is taking to improve the reliability of the Greater Anglia service from Liverpool Street to Southend Victoria via Billericay.

In the most recent rail industry period, 25 May to 21 June, the Public Performance Measure (PPM) across the Greater Anglia network was at 94.9 per cent. In relation to the Southend line the annual PPM was 96.4 per cent. Customers taking Greater Anglia services have recently benefitted from a complete fleet of new trains and Network Rail has carried out replacement of overhead lines along sections of the route. Greater Anglia and Network Rail continue to work closely together on maintaining and further improving performance levels.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether she is taking steps to (a) improve transparency of rail fares and (b) make rail travel more accessible through lower ticket cost options.

As Passenger-in-Chief, affordability is one of the Secretary of State’s key priorities for the rail network. As part of our plan for urgent action for the railways, we are committed to reviewing the overcomplicated fares system with a view to simplifying it and introducing digital innovations. We will explore the options for expanding ticketing innovations like digital pay as you go, and digital season tickets across the network.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether she has had discussions with Network Rail on the status of the Wymondham train station accessibility upgrades.

Both the Rail Minister and I are early in our tenure as Transport Ministers. As such, he has yet to speak to Network Rail regarding the status of the Wymondham station accessibility project. The Department looks forward to discussing these proposals with Network Rail and other stakeholders in the near future.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps her Department is taking to improve the reliability of the C2C service from Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness via Laindon and Basildon.

c2c are an operationally high performing train operating company. From 1 January to 31 March 2024, c2c were the highest performing train operating company in terms of cancellations (1.5 per cent) and third highest for on-time punctuality (81.3 per cent). The Department, Network Rail and c2c are focused on both maintaining high performance, as well as delivering incremental improvements. To deliver incremental improvements, c2c are developing joint performance plans with Network Rail, which has greater emphasis on key parts of the route.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what decision she plans to take on the proposed changes to the toll for the Tamar Bridge crossing.

An application for revising the Torpoint Crossing tolls (for the Tamar Bridge and the Torpoint Ferry) was made by Cornwall Council and Plymouth City Council on Thursday 2 May 2024. A Public Inquiry in respect of that application is due to begin on 15 October 2024. As this is a live application, I am unable to comment on what the final decision might be.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what information her Department holds on the number and proportion of miles of roads in (a) Dunstable and (b) Leighton Buzzard that are in poor condition.

The Department for Transport collects information on the condition of roads from local highways authorities. Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard make up part of the local highway authority of Central Bedfordshire.

Information on the condition of roads specifically in Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard would be held by the local highway authority of Central Bedfordshire. Unfortunately, it is not held by the Department at this level of granularity.

Information on the condition of roads in England is collected and published by the Department annually here: However, no information for the condition of roads in Central Bedfordshire has been provided to the Department since the financial year ending March 2019.

The data held by the Department for the financial years ending March 2010 to March 2019 showed that:

  • The percentage of A road that should have been considered for maintenance (‘red roads’) was between 1% and 3% for Central Bedfordshire, while during the same time-period the national level of red road was between 3% and 5%.
  • The percentage of red B & C road was between 2% and 5%, whereas the national level was between 6% and 10%.
  • The percentage of red Unclassified (‘U’) road was between 3% and 21%, and the national level was between 15% to 18%.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what assessment she has made of the potential merits of allocating funding towards the maintenance of the Tamar toll bridge.

I recognise that The Tamar Crossings are a very important local issue. The Crossings are funded on a ‘user pays’ principle from toll income. No funding is received from Government or from the owners of the Tamar Crossings – Plymouth City Council and Cornwall Council. I do not expect this to change.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of of the potential merits of bringing forward legislative proposals to restrict the sale of cars to (a) registered UK companies and (b) individuals with driving licences.

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has measures in place to ensure that keepers notify them when they buy and sell a vehicle. Based on the latest available data, more than 92 per cent of vehicle keepers are contactable and traceable, based on the information held on the DVLA’s records. Of those remaining, the majority will be in the motor trade. There are no current plans to introduce new legislation to restrict the sale of vehicles.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether she has made a recent assessment of the potential merits of the proposed A39 Camelford bypass.

The Department is committed to putting transport at the heart of mission-driven government to support economic growth, promote social mobility and tackle regional inequality. The Chancellor has committed to presenting to Parliament, before summer recess, an assessment of the state of the new Government’s spending inheritance. We will consider proposals for the A39 Camelford bypass alongside other future road projects and will provide an update in due course.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will visit Camelford to discuss the proposed A39 Camelford bypass with (a) residents, (b) businesses and (c) the Hon. Member for North Cornwall.

The Department is committed to putting transport at the heart of mission-driven government to support economic growth, promote social mobility and tackle regional inequality. The Chancellor has committed to presenting to Parliament, before summer recess, an assessment of the state of the new Government’s spending inheritance. We will consider proposals for the A39 Camelford bypass alongside other future road projects and will provide an update in due course.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of safety measures in place for the A361 around Frome.

Somerset Council are the relevant highways authority for the A361 around Frome and are responsible for any assessments on road safety. However, I am aware that Somerset’s Road Safety Team have been active in engaging with the community and are working with the Police over further road safety engagement and enforcement plans for later this year. I understand they are also undertaking a reassessment of traffic engineering measures at certain locations to see if any measures might help to reduce the likelihood of collisions occurring.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, with reference to the Draft Greater Manchester Rapid Transit Strategy, published by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority on 10 July 2024, whether she is taking steps to support (a) the extension of the Metrolink to Middleton and (b) delivery of a tram-train link to Heywood.

The Government has committed to investing £5.7bn in the transport networks of eight city regions in England until 2027 through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements (CRSTS). This includes £1.07bn for Greater Manchester. CRSTS supports investments in public and sustainable transport across a range of modes including rail, bus, tram, and walking and cycling. The Greater Manchester CRSTS programme includes the development of a tram-train link to Heywood.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what her policy is on East Riding of Yorkshire Council receiving reallocated HS2 funding.

The previous Government made a number of funding commitments in the Network North Command Paper and these will be examined closely by my Government in the coming months.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps his Department plans to take to (a) improve connectivity between the North and the Midlands, (b) increase capacity on the West Coast Main Line and (c) utilise Crewe as a transport hub.

Transport is an essential part of our mission to rebuild Britain, and this Government is committed to delivering infrastructure that works for the whole country.

We are currently considering options on future rail infrastructure, including how we best support economic growth in the North and Midlands and tackle issues on the West Coast Main Line.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps she plans to take to improve rail connectivity between (a) Liverpool and (b) other northern cities.

Transport is an essential part of our mission to rebuild Britain, and this Government is committed to delivering infrastructure that works for the whole country. This includes improving rail connectivity across the north of England.

Re-introducing the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Bill is the first step in doing so, by providing powers to develop, construct and operate rail infrastructure that is key to improving inter-regional and northern rail connectivity.

We need a long-term approach to infrastructure and investment which takes account of local transport priorities. We will provide this, and thoroughly review the position we have inherited before setting out more detailed plans in due course.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
18th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether his Department plans to provide funding to Network Rail for the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement proposals.

Both the Rail Minister and I are early in our tenure as Transport Ministers. As such, he is yet to speak to Network Rail regarding the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement. However, we do recognise the benefits the scheme could bring for freight and passenger rail services in East Anglia. The Department looks forward to discussing these proposals with Network Rail, and other stakeholders, in the near future.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to the Answer of 22 July 2024 to Question 459 on Bus Services: Concessions, whether she plans to extend the Get around for £2 bus fare scheme.

The government is urgently considering the most effective ways to ensure public transport services are reliable and affordable. We will conclude this as quickly as possible.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to the Answer of 22 July 2024 to Question 459 on Bus Services: Concessions, what her Department's planned timetable is for concluding its urgent consideration on the future of public transport services.

The government is urgently considering the most effective ways to ensure public transport services are reliable and affordable. We will conclude this as quickly as possible.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps she is taking to help reduce overcrowding on the Durham Coast Line during peak periods.

Rail North Partnership (RNP), through which the department jointly manages Northern Trains’ contract with Transport for the North, monitors operators’ planned train deployment to ensure this falls within the requirement on them to match capacity to demand. While we have no evidence passengers’ safety is being compromised, RNP will discuss the loading on Durham Coast services with Northern and ensure it takes the actions open to it to meet its targets

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will make an assessment of the impact of overcrowding on the Durham Coast Line during peak periods on the health and safety of passengers.

Rail North Partnership (RNP), through which the department jointly manages Northern Trains’ contract with Transport for the North, monitors operators’ planned train deployment to ensure this falls within the requirement on them to match capacity to demand. While we have no evidence passengers’ safety is being compromised, RNP will discuss the loading on Durham Coast services with Northern and ensure it takes the actions open to it to meet its targets

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
23rd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to the Answer of 22 July 2024 to Question 459 on Bus Services: Concessions, if her Department will make an assessment of the potential impact of ending the Get around for £2 bus fare scheme this year on levels of (a) national and (b) regional bus use, broken down by bus operator.

The Department for Transport published an interim report on the £2 fare cap in September 2023 setting out emerging trends in key outcomes from the first two months of the scheme. It is available on GOV.UK at

Bus patronage appears to be continuing to recover following the COVID-19 pandemic, and people making additional bus trips with the £2 bus fare cap in place are likely to be existing bus users and make a small number of additional trips.

DfT is considering the overall value for money of the £2 fare cap as part of our ongoing evaluation, which will continue over the coming months and provide richer conclusions on its effects and people’s attitudes.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if she will take steps to require local highway authorities to remove (a) racist and (b) other offensive graffiti from structures adjacent to the public highway without the authority of the owner.

Local highway authorities are responsible for maintaining the highway. This includes the removal of graffiti from publicly owned highway assets, such as bridges, traffic signs, and street furniture, as well as council-owned and other public buildings. The Department has no plans to extend this requirement to privately owned structures adjacent to the highway.

However, we do expect private owners of structures to act to remove offensive graffiti. If graffiti or flyposting is on private property, councils can issue a Defacement Removal Notice to the property owner, which requires them to remove the graffiti within 28 days.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
22nd Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what the status is of the Chesterfield Staveley Regeneration route.

I am grateful to the Honorable Member for his continued support for the scheme and I would be very happy to meet him to discuss it. The Outline Business Case submitted by Derbyshire County Council has been assessed in detail by officials, who have obtained additional information from Derbyshire County Council to help Ministers in their considerations.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
19th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to adopt a strategy for improving road safety.

The Government has announced that it intends to publish a new Strategic Framework for Road Safety, the first in over a decade. Work is already underway on this.

Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill
Minister of State (Department for Transport)
19th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps she plans to take to increase access to bus services in (a) North Shropshire constituency and (b) other rural areas.

The government knows that Britain needs a modern transport network to help kickstart economic growth. Good local bus services are an essential part of prosperous and sustainable communities. As announced in the King’s Speech, the Government will introduce the Better Buses Bill to put the power over local bus services back in the hands of local leaders right across England, to ensure networks can meet the needs of the communities who rely on them, including in North Shropshire and other rural areas across England.

We also plan to empower local transport authorities by reforming bus funding. By giving local leaders more control and flexibility over bus funding they can plan ahead to deliver their local transport priorities. The Department will work closely with local leaders and bus operators to deliver on the government’s ambitions.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
19th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether he has had recent discussions with Highways England on the proposed 30mph speed limit on the A483 between Llanymynech and Pant.

The Department recognises the need for a more consistent approach to speed limits on the A483 between Llanymynech and Pant. National Highways is working with Shropshire Council and Transport Wales to consider the case for changing the speed limit of the A483 between Llanymynech and Pant alongside a more substantive review into improving safety on this section of the strategic road network as part of the next Road Investment Strategy.

Lilian Greenwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)
17th Jul 2024
To ask His Majesty's Government what monitoring and safeguards are in place to protect aquatic ecosystems and local drinking water sources from chemical waste resulting from the construction of HS2, in particular in the Colne Valley and the Chiltern aquifer.

Comprehensive monitoring, in compliance with Environment Agency and water company standards and practices, is undertaken by HS2 Ltd’s supply chain in the vicinity of all HS2 construction activities. All of the monitoring data is subsequently shared and reviewed regularly with the Environment Agency, and for the Colne Valley area, with Affinity Water.

No adverse effects on groundwater or surface water ecosystems have been detected to date during construction of the Colne Valley Viaduct or Chilterns Tunnels, or from other construction activities across the wider Chalk aquifer through which HS2 passes. Monitoring will continue into the post-construction phase to confirm that there are no residual or developing water related issues.

Lord Hendy of Richmond Hill
Minister of State (Department for Transport)
19th Jul 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what his Department's planned timetable is for the reopening of the Oswestry to Gobowen railway line.

Following the General Election and the State Opening of Parliament, the Government is now formulating its plans. The Department will announce its policy intentions in due course and aims to provide an update on next steps for the Oswestry to Gobowen line project soon.

Simon Lightwood
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport)