Leader of the House

We provide support to the Leader of the House of Commons, who is responsible for planning and supervising the government’s legislative programme (including the Queen’s speech), and managing government business within the House of Commons while also upholding the rights and interests of the backbench members of the House.

Secretary of State


Baroness Smith of Basildon
Leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal


Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons


Lord Collins of Highbury
Deputy Leader of the House of Lords

Shadow Ministers / Spokeperson
Lord True (Con - Life peer)
Shadow Leader of the House of Lords
Earl Howe (Con - Excepted Hereditary)
Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Lords

Liberal Democrat
Marie Goldman (LD - Chelmsford)
Liberal Democrat Shadow Leader of the House of Commons

Jesse Norman (Con - Hereford and South Herefordshire)
Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
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Thursday 5th December 2024
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Commons Chamber
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Written Answers
Wednesday 4th December 2024
Written Questions: Government Responses
To ask the Leader of the House, what assessment she has made of the adequacy of the performance of the …
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None available
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Wednesday 1st March 2023
Trust in Britain
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Leader of the House Commons Appearances

Oral Answers to Questions is a regularly scheduled appearance where the Secretary of State and junior minister will answer at the Dispatch Box questions from backbench MPs

Other Commons Chamber appearances can be:
  • Urgent Questions where the Speaker has selected a question to which a Minister must reply that day
  • Adjornment Debates a 30 minute debate attended by a Minister that concludes the day in Parliament.
  • Oral Statements informing the Commons of a significant development, where backbench MP's can then question the Minister making the statement.

Westminster Hall debates are performed in response to backbench MPs or e-petitions asking for a Minister to address a detailed issue

Written Statements are made when a current event is not sufficiently significant to require an Oral Statement, but the House is required to be informed.

Most Recent Commons Appearances by Category
Jul. 18
Written Statements
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Bills currently before Parliament

Leader of the House does not have Bills currently before Parliament

Acts of Parliament created in the 2024 Parliament

Leader of the House has not passed any Acts during the 2024 Parliament


e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.

If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.

If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).

Trending Petitions
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Leader of the House has not participated in any petition debates
View All Leader of the House Petitions

50 most recent Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department

26th Nov 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what assessment she has made of the adequacy of the performance of the Government in providing answers to (a) correspondence and (b) written parliamentary questions since 4 July 2024.

Parliament has a right to hold Ministers to account. We recognise there is room for improvement upon the record of the previous government, and we are committed to doing things differently. As Leader of the House, I have written to all members of Cabinet to remind Ministers of their responsibilities to provide helpful and timely responses to Members' PQs and correspondence.

This Government has already taken steps to strengthen its approach to correspondence, with a Ministerial champion for correspondence in each department. Data on each Government department's correspondence performance in 2024 will be published on GOV.UK in the usual way (available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/data-on-responses-to-correspondence-from-mps-and-peers).

As a member of the Procedure Committee, the hon. Member will be aware that the Committee monitors individual department’s PQ performance and that it recently launched an inquiry into performance in the 2023–24 Session. I look forward to working with the Committee on this and other matters.

I would encourage hon. Members to raise any specific issues they may have with myself and my office.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
18th Nov 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, pursuant to her Answer in Business Questions of 17 October 2024, Official Report, column 1000, whether she has asked the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to come to the House with an update on the Cass review.

As the Hon. Member will know from my correspondence with him, following the Business Question on the 17th October 2024, I wrote to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on the 25th October and asked that the House be provided with an update on the Cass Review. I have raised this matter with the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Secretary of State is now actively considering the timing of this, such that it can be of most use to the House.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
29th Oct 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, with reference to the oral contribution of Leader of the House of Commons on 10 October 2024, Official Report, column 475, for what reason a response from a Minister was not provided before 21 October; and whether a response will be provided before any future decision is made relating to the government's independent adviser on political violence and disruption.

Following the Business Question on the 10th October 2024, I wrote to the Cabinet Office and my office further contacted the Home Office to raise this matter. Where Members raise issues with Ministers, it is important that they receive full and timely responses. I understand that the Home Office has now responded to the Hon. Member.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
17th Oct 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, if she will make an assessment of the adequacy of current mechanisms monitoring the potential receipt of funding by hon. Members from (a) companies and (b) individuals sanctioned by (i) Ukraine and (ii) other allies.

The rules governing the receipt of benefits by members are a matter for the House of Commons. The Commons ‘Code of Conduct’, together with ‘The Guide to the Rules’, contain specific provisions regarding the registration of interests as well as gifts and benefits received from sources outside of the UK. Both of these can be found on the parliament website (available at: https://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/commons/hoc-code-of-conduct/). Any alleged breaches of these rules are investigated by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards with the oversight of the House's Committee on Standards.

In addition, there are parliamentary rules which require All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) to refrain from accepting secretariats provided by foreign governments. These can be found within the ‘Guide to the Rules on APPGs’ on the parliament website (available at: https://www.parliament.uk/about/mps-and-lords/members/apg/rules-on-appgs/).

Separately, the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 contains clear rules on donations, with members obliged to carry out permissibility checks on the donations they receive and report to the Electoral Commission eligible donations they receive in connection with their political activities.

These mechanisms ensure transparency is at the centre of the parliamentary standards system and reduce the possibility of undue foreign influence in our democratic institutions.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
14th Oct 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, how many and what proportion of (a) named day and (b) ordinary written parliamentary questions were answered within the response deadline by (i) Department and (ii) month since 4 July 2024.

Data on response times to written parliamentary questions (PQs) is held by the House, not the government. PQs are an important part of the scrutiny of government and we are committed to ensuring that Members receive full and timely responses. In May 2024, the Procedure Committee published its report regarding Departmental performance in responding to Written Parliamentary Questions (PQs) in the 2022-23 Parliamentary Session (available at:
https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5804/cmselect/cmproced/676/report.html). The government has recently shared its response with the Committee and recognised that there is room for improvement upon the record of the previous government. I have written to all Members of Cabinet to ask that departments and Ministers consider how performance can be improved in this Parliament.

The Procedure Committee monitors departmental PQ performance and their sessional reporting continues to be an effective tool. I look forward to working with the Committee on this.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
4th Oct 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, whether she plans to bring forward a motion to allow the UK Youth Parliament to debate in the House of Commons Chamber.

The use of the Chamber by the UK Youth Parliament requires the agreement of the House of Commons. I would be happy to bring forward a motion to facilitate this in due course.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
11th Sep 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, if she will facilitate a vote on proposals for financial redress contained in the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman report on changes to women's State Pension age, published on 21 March 2024.

The Government is taking the necessary time to properly review and consider the Ombudsman's report, given the significance and complexity of the issue. Once the Government has outlined its approach, opportunities for the House to debate this matter would be considered in the usual way.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
30th Aug 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what the cost to her Department was of ministerial severance payments in each year from 19 December 2019 to 30 May 2024; which Ministers received a severance payment; and how much each Minister received.

The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons is part of the Cabinet Office. I refer the hon. member to the response to be provided by the Cabinet Office (3029).

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what (a) statutory and (b) non-statutory direct ministerial appointments excluding special advisers she has made; and (i) who the appointee was and (ii) what the (A) remuneration, (B) title and (C) terms of reference was for each appointment.

I have not made any statutory or non-statutory direct ministerial appointments since being appointed as Leader of the House of Commons.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, if she make it her policy that the resolution restricting short money for parties with fewer than five hon. Members should be amended to only apply to parties with fewer than three hon. Members.

Short Money is allocated on the basis of the number of seats won by each opposition party at the previous general election. The House of Commons Members Estimate Committee is responsible for modifying the provisions of the Resolutions relating to Short money as it considers “necessary or desirable in the interests of clarity, consistency, accountability and effective administration, and conformity with current circumstances” (Standing Order No. 152D (3)(c)) .

We should acknowledge that public money underpins the political system in respect of the Opposition as well as the Government, but we must always be conscious of the cost to the taxpayer. Further consideration of this policy is rightly a matter for the House.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
30th Jul 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, whether she plans to amend the Restoration and Renewal (a) budget, (b) timetable and (c) decant policy.

The Restoration and Renewal Programme is a matter for Parliament. The Parliamentary Client Board agreed the strategic direction of the Programme in February and expect costed proposals for three options (including full decant, continued presence and enhanced maintenance and improvement) to be put to members in 2025, enabling the Programme to progress.

Lucy Powell
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
13th May 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, pursuant to the Answer of 22 April 2024 to Question 21019 on Transport, if she will make time for a debate on the National Transport Strategy.

As Leader of the House I am committed to providing time in the Chamber to the Backbench Business Committee in line with the requirements of Standing Orders and I would encourage the Hon. Member to apply for such a debate through the Committee on this occasion. The Hon. Member will appreciate that there is a significant amount of legislation planned in this session and there is, as always, pressure on the Government’s timetable.

17th Apr 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to ensure that secretariats of All-Party Parliamentary Groups do not pass sensitive information to foreign governments.

The regulation of All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) is a matter for Parliament. The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards is responsible for monitoring the Register for APPGs and may investigate alleged breaches of the rules.

16th Apr 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what the administration costs of her office were in each year since her appointment.

The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons is a business unit of the Cabinet Office and, as such, its administrative costs are part of the Cabinet Office’s wider administrative costs.

Information for 2022-23 can be found in the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23 (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cabinet-office-annual-report-and-accounts-2022-23), copies of which are available in the Libraries of the House.

Information for the last financial year will be published in the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 in due course.

16th Apr 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what estimate she has made of the cost to the public purse of (a) transport, (b) venue hire and accommodation, (c) printed materials including backdrops, (d) security, (e) staffing, (f) filming and photography and (g) other costs of each public meeting since her appointment.

The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons is a business unit of the Cabinet Office and, as such, its administrative costs are part of the Cabinet Office’s wider administrative costs.

Information for 2022-23 can be found in the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2022-23 (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cabinet-office-annual-report-and-accounts-2022-23), copies of which are available in the Libraries of the House.

Information for the last financial year will be published in the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 in due course.

16th Apr 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, how many Privy Council Office staff have left that organisation in each year since 2015.

The Privy Council Office is part of the Cabinet Office. Some of the information requested is held centrally.

As far as data is centrally held, I refer the hon. Member to the Civil Service statistics for the Cabinet Office available at:
https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/civil-service-statistics and https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/publicsectorpersonnel/datasets/civilservicestatistics

15th Apr 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, how many staff left her Office in each year since 2015.

The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons is part of the Cabinet Office. Some of the information requested is held centrally.

As far as data is centrally held, I refer the hon. Member to the Civil Service statistics for the Cabinet Office available at:
https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/civil-service-statistics and https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/publicsectorpersonnel/datasets/civilservicestatistics

12th Apr 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, with reference to the Guide to Making Legislation, which Acts that received royal assent since 2010 have been subject to post-legislative review; and which Acts are being reviewed.

This information is not held centrally. Post-legislative scrutiny memoranda have been published on GOV.UK where bills have undergone the process. While all bills that have reached Royal Assent are eligible for post-legislative scrutiny after they are enacted, it can be agreed between the department and the relevant Commons departmental select committee that a memorandum is not required.

25th Mar 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, whether she has had correspondence with the House of Lords Procedure Committee about Commons scrutiny of Secretaries of State in the Lords.

The Government submitted its response to the Procedure Committee’s report on Commons scrutiny of Secretaries of State in the House of Lords on Tuesday 26th March 2024.

As Leader of the House of Commons, I meet regularly with Cabinet colleagues to discuss issues across my portfolio and will continue to do so. Correspondence between the Government and the Select Committees of both Houses is published on parliament.uk.

25th Mar 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, when she plans to respond to the First Report of the Procedure Committee on Commons scrutiny of Secretaries of State in the House of Lords, HC 338, published on 24 January 2024.

The Government submitted its response to the Procedure Committee’s report on Commons scrutiny of Secretaries of State in the House of Lords on Tuesday 26th March 2024.

As Leader of the House of Commons, I meet regularly with Cabinet colleagues to discuss issues across my portfolio and will continue to do so. Correspondence between the Government and the Select Committees of both Houses is published on parliament.uk.

25th Mar 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, pursuant to the Answer of 15 March 2024 to Question 16442 on Legislative Drafting: Gender, when she plans to publish the further information for drafters on gendered language.

The Office of the Parliamentary Counsel’s drafting guidance was published on GOV.UK on 4th April 2024 (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/drafting-bills-for-parliament) and has also been deposited in the libraries of both Houses.

29th Feb 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, with reference to the Answer of 19 June 2023 to Question 187222, on Legislative Drafting: Gender, whether the revised guidance has been completed; and whether she continues to plan to place it in the Libraries of both Houses and publish it on the gov.uk website.

The Office of the Parliamentary Counsel has updated its drafting guidance in general and, following the written statement, has further information for drafters on gendered language. This will be published on GOV.UK in due course.

7th Mar 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, with reference to paragraphs 7.16 and 7.17 of the Ministerial Code, on how many occasions she has informed the Law Officers that she is the defendant in a libel action in (a) her personal capacity, (b) her official position and (c) both since 19 December 2019.

I refer the hon. member to paragraph 2.13 of the Ministerial Code which states: “The fact that the Law Officers have advised or have not advised and the content of their advice must not be disclosed outside Government without their authority.”

8th Feb 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, if she will take steps with Cabinet colleagues to increase parliamentary scrutiny of UK strategic export controls for military goods.

The government recognises the importance of effective Parliamentary scrutiny of strategic export controls and takes these matters very seriously. The UK operates one of the most transparent export licensing systems in the world, publishing quarterly and annual statistics on all of our export licensing decisions, including details of export licences granted, refused and revoked. The government is required by statute to present an Annual Report on UK Strategic Export Controls detailing the government’s approach to export licensing, including international commitments. The most recent quarterly data on strategic export controls is available on gov.uk (https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/strategic-export-controls-licensing-statistics-1-april-to-30-june-2023), as is the annual report for 2022 (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-strategic-export-controls-annual-report-2022).

As of January 2024, the Business and Trade Committee is the Parliamentary scrutiny committee with oversight of arms export controls, a role formerly carried out by the Select Committee on Arms Exports Controls (CAEC). A joint report outlining plans for future parliamentary scrutiny of strategic export controls was published by the Business and Trade, Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees on 23rd January 2024 and can be found on parliament.uk (https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/42982/documents/213812/default/).

The Government recognises the important role that the CAEC played in providing Parliamentary scrutiny of export controls and the work of the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU). While Parliamentary scrutiny is a matter for the House, the government is committed to keeping the Business and Trade Committee updated on the work of the ECJU as it carries out its new scrutiny role. Other relevant select committees will no doubt continue to examine strategic export controls as part of their wider work, allowing a broad range of scrutiny across the House.

Hon and Rt Hon Members can also raise matters relating to the scrutiny of the UK's strategic export controls directly with the Department for Business and Trade.

1st Feb 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, what proportion of named day questions were answered on or before the relevant named day by (a) all Government Departments and (b) the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in (i) the 2022-23 Parliamentary Session and (ii) the current Parliamentary session.

Data on response times to all written parliamentary questions is held by the House, rather than the Government. The ​Procedure ​Committee reports on departmental performance following the end of each Parliamentary Session, the most recent of which can be found on parliament.uk (https://committees.parliament.uk/work/1245/written-parliamentary-questions/publications), and the Government looks forward to receiving the Committee’s report on data from the 2022-23 Session. The Hon. Member may wish to approach the House regarding data for the current Parliamentary session.

5th Jan 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, with reference to her oral contributions of 12 December 2022, Official Report column 823, and 30 March 2023, Official Report column 1168, when she plans that the the ministerial registration of interests, hospitality, gifts and so forth will be put on the same footing as Parliament’s.

In July 2023, the Cabinet Office published its response to three reports on strengthening ethics and integrity in central government. This states: “The Government will be implementing comprehensive reforms to improve the quality and accessibility of departments' transparency returns, which cover meetings, gifts, hospitality and travel.”

“The Cabinet Office is developing a single platform to collate and publish departments' transparency returns. This will provide a single public source of transparency data, replacing the system of separate publications. Following the deployment and adoption of an integrated database, the Government will look to move departments' transparency publications from a quarterly to a monthly basis.” The full response is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/strengthening-ethics-and-integrity-in-central-government

My office is already collating monthly returns and we are working with the Cabinet Office in order to publish these ahead of the new system being rolled out across Government.

Separately, and in line with the Ministerial Code, the List of Ministers’ Interests is published twice yearly with updates issued at other times as needed.

5th Jan 2024
To ask the Leader of the House, if she will take steps to increase the amount of parliamentary time given to debate Private Members' Bills in the 2023-24 parliamentary session.

The Standing Orders provide for thirteen sitting Fridays per session. The House can agree, on a Government motion, to sit on additional Fridays when required. This is usually appropriate when the length of a session has been extended.

With the support of the Government, 24 Private Members’ Bills were passed in the last session, with only one additional Friday allocated. This is more than the 2021-22 session, which saw 13 Private Members’ Bills reach Royal Assent in thirteen sitting Fridays. This clearly demonstrates that sufficient support from across the House is more important in the successful passage of Private Members’ Bills than additional parliamentary time.

14th Dec 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, if she will bring forward proposals to enable Members to directly scrutinise the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs.

The Procedure Committee is conducting an inquiry into this issue and it would not be appropriate for me to pre-empt the conclusions of that inquiry. The Government will respond to the Committee’s recommendations in the usual way once they have published their report.

12th Dec 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, how much her office spent on external recruitment consultants in the (a) 2020-21, (b) 2021-22 and (c) 2022-23 financial year.

The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons has not incurred external recruitment consultancy costs in any of the last three financial years.

7th Dec 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, how much her office spent on hospitality in (a) 2021, (b) 2022 and (c) 2023.

We do not routinely publish this data, as has been the case under successive administrations. All Business Units within the Cabinet Office have a responsibility to keep official hospitality costs as low as possible and demonstrate good value for money.

Details of ministerial and senior official hospitality are published on a quarterly basis, and are available on GOV.UK.

21st Nov 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, if she will bring forward proposals to implement the recommendations in the Third Report of the House of Commons Procedure Committee of Session 2009-10 on Accountability to the House of Commons of Secretaries of State in the House of Lords, HC496, which was published on 22 March 2010.

The Procedure Committee has announced an inquiry into this issue and it would not be appropriate for me to pre-empt the conclusions of that inquiry.

18th Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, how many Government Bills have been withdrawn in each year since 2010.

Parliament has been informed on each occasion a bill has been withdrawn. Information on the bills withdrawn in each session is available on the Parliament website at: https://bills.parliament.uk/.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, how many times has the Parliamentary Business and Legislation Cabinet Committee met in the last 12 months.

I refer the Hon Member to the answer to be provided by the Cabinet Office to his Question 196664.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to help increase public (a) engagement in and (b) understanding of the legislative process.

Government is working hard to prepare the legislative programme for the next session of Parliament in the usual way. The programme will be announced in the King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on 7th November.

Good progress is being made in delivering the Government’s legislative programme and manifesto commitments. So far this session, 30 Government Bills have reached Royal Assent. In addition, the Government has worked with members on all sides of the House to deliver 16 private members' bills. Details of all Acts of Parliament can be found on legislation.gov.uk.

Parliament has shown that it provides flexibility in debating legislation and adapts when necessary, for example the passage of the Coronavirus Act and the recent legislation relating to the Northern Ireland budget.

Public trust and confidence in our democracy and its institutions is vital and this is something which I am keen to promote as Leader of the House.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to ensure flexibility in the legislative programme.

Government is working hard to prepare the legislative programme for the next session of Parliament in the usual way. The programme will be announced in the King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on 7th November.

Good progress is being made in delivering the Government’s legislative programme and manifesto commitments. So far this session, 30 Government Bills have reached Royal Assent. In addition, the Government has worked with members on all sides of the House to deliver 16 private members' bills. Details of all Acts of Parliament can be found on legislation.gov.uk.

Parliament has shown that it provides flexibility in debating legislation and adapts when necessary, for example the passage of the Coronavirus Act and the recent legislation relating to the Northern Ireland budget.

Public trust and confidence in our democracy and its institutions is vital and this is something which I am keen to promote as Leader of the House.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to measure the (a) success and (b) efficiency of the government's legislative programme.

Government is working hard to prepare the legislative programme for the next session of Parliament in the usual way. The programme will be announced in the King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on 7th November.

Good progress is being made in delivering the Government’s legislative programme and manifesto commitments. So far this session, 30 Government Bills have reached Royal Assent. In addition, the Government has worked with members on all sides of the House to deliver 16 private members' bills. Details of all Acts of Parliament can be found on legislation.gov.uk.

Parliament has shown that it provides flexibility in debating legislation and adapts when necessary, for example the passage of the Coronavirus Act and the recent legislation relating to the Northern Ireland budget.

Public trust and confidence in our democracy and its institutions is vital and this is something which I am keen to promote as Leader of the House.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to deliver the government's legislative programme for the upcoming parliamentary year.

Government is working hard to prepare the legislative programme for the next session of Parliament in the usual way. The programme will be announced in the King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on 7th November.

Good progress is being made in delivering the Government’s legislative programme and manifesto commitments. So far this session, 30 Government Bills have reached Royal Assent. In addition, the Government has worked with members on all sides of the House to deliver 16 private members' bills. Details of all Acts of Parliament can be found on legislation.gov.uk.

Parliament has shown that it provides flexibility in debating legislation and adapts when necessary, for example the passage of the Coronavirus Act and the recent legislation relating to the Northern Ireland budget.

Public trust and confidence in our democracy and its institutions is vital and this is something which I am keen to promote as Leader of the House.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps your department is taking to enhance cybersecurity and protect personal data

The Office of the Leader of the House of Commons is part of the Cabinet Office. I refer the Hon. Member to the response to be provided by the Cabinet Office (196755).

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to help improve the civil service's understanding of parliament.

The Parliamentary Capability Team provides training on managing parliamentary work to civil servants of all departments and grades. Their training is designed in partnership with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, the Leaders and Government Whips Offices in both Houses, and departmental parliamentary and legislative teams.

Since April 2022, the Parliamentary Capability Team has delivered a total of 15,933 training interventions (attendance at courses and events, and e-learning courses completed).

I recognise that my office and I have a role to play in promoting parliamentary capability and have taken a number of actions:

  • I have met with all departmental Permanent Secretaries.
  • I have participated in a ‘Leading in Parliament’ session with Senior Civil Servants.
  • In November 2022 my office published an updated Guide to Parliamentary Work which is available on Gov.uk (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guide-to-parliamentary-work).
  • My office oversees the Parliamentary Clerks’ Working Group, which brings together all departmental Parliamentary Clerks from across Whitehall to discuss topical issues and share best practice.
1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to improve parliamentary capability within the civil service.

The Parliamentary Capability Team provides training on managing parliamentary work to civil servants of all departments and grades. Their training is designed in partnership with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, the Leaders and Government Whips Offices in both Houses, and departmental parliamentary and legislative teams.

Since April 2022, the Parliamentary Capability Team has delivered a total of 15,933 training interventions (attendance at courses and events, and e-learning courses completed).

I recognise that my office and I have a role to play in promoting parliamentary capability and have taken a number of actions:

  • I have met with all departmental Permanent Secretaries.
  • I have participated in a ‘Leading in Parliament’ session with Senior Civil Servants.
  • In November 2022 my office published an updated Guide to Parliamentary Work which is available on Gov.uk (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guide-to-parliamentary-work).
  • My office oversees the Parliamentary Clerks’ Working Group, which brings together all departmental Parliamentary Clerks from across Whitehall to discuss topical issues and share best practice.
1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, whether she has made an estimate of how many and what proportion of Early Day Motions tabled by hon. and Rt hon. Members have resulted in the Government (a) changing policy and (b) taking particular action in the last year.

This information is not collected centrally. Decisions on each policy area are a matter for individual Departments.

Written Parliamentary Questions and Early Day Motions are important ways in which MPs can hold the Government to account and scrutinise policy.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, whether she has made an estimate of how many and what proportion of written questions from Hon and Rt hon. members have resulted in the Government (a) changing policy and (b) taking particular action in the last year.

This information is not collected centrally. Decisions on each policy area are a matter for individual Departments.

Written Parliamentary Questions and Early Day Motions are important ways in which MPs can hold the Government to account and scrutinise policy.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, whether she is taking steps to increase opportunities for the scrutiny of statutory instruments by backbenchers.

The Government is fully committed to a strong Parliament that effectively scrutinises legislation. In its response to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee's report 'Losing Impact: why the Government’s impact assessment system is failing Parliament and the public' (HL Paper 116), the Government agreed that it is important that Parliament has the information it needs and that impact assessments should be published, where possible, when an applicable instrument is laid before Parliament.

Further to that response, the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee’s ‘Interim Report on the Work of the Committee in Session 2022-2023’ (HL Paper 205) sets out the steps the Government is taking on ensuring suitable opportunities for scrutiny by parliamentarians.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, how many Privy Council meetings has she attended in the last 12 months.

I have attended 14 meetings of the Privy Council within the last twelve months.

Published details of all Privy Council meetings and business transacted since 2010 can be found at: https://privycouncil.independent.gov.uk/meetings-and-orders/orders-in-council/

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to help improve collaboration with the House of Commons Commission.

As the Government’s representative on the House of Commons Commission, I work closely with all Members of the Commission on a range of matters and will continue to do so.

The Commission is responsible for the administration and services of the House of Commons. In order to inform the Commission’s work, I recently instigated a survey of all Members to better understand their needs and the support required to do their job and was pleased by the level of participation. I look forward to considering its findings.

Further information regarding the agendas and decisions of the House of Commons Commission is available on parliament.uk.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what her priorities are for providing oversight of the House of Commons Members Estimate.

The Members Estimate Committee, which has the same MP membership as the House of Commons Commission, is appointed by the House of Commons under Standing Order 152D. The Committee’s agenda items are often discussed as part of the House of Commons Commission meetings and, as the Government’s representative on the House of Commons Commission, I have regular discussions with Members of the Commission on a range of matters and will continue to do so.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what steps she is taking to help ensure that Members' requests for assistance on ministerial correspondence are addressed in a timely manner.

Parliament has a right to hold Ministers to account and, as Leader of the House, I expect Government Ministers to respond quickly and effectively to Members’ correspondence. I will continue to drive that message and I encourage members who get an unsatisfactory response to write to me and I will take this up for any Member who does not get a proper response.

I recognise that my office and I have a role to play in making representations to Government on behalf of the House of Commons, and have taken a number of actions:

  • I write to Cabinet colleagues every week following Business Questions to take up the concerns raised by Members, including in relation to delayed responses to correspondence.
  • I have met with all departmental Permanent Secretaries where I reiterated the importance of substantive and timely answers to written parliamentary questions.
  • I met separately with the Home Office Permanent Secretary following a number of concerns raised during Business Questions.
  • I participated in a ‘Leading in Parliament’ session with Senior Civil Servants.
  • In line with the practice of my predecessors, I have written to all members of Cabinet.
  • My office oversees the Parliamentary Clerks’ Working Group, which brings together all departmental Parliamentary Clerks from across Whitehall to discuss topical issues and share best practice.

The Parliamentary Capability Team in the Cabinet Office also provides training on managing parliamentary work to civil servants of all departments and grades, including blended learning courses on ministerial correspondence and tailored workshops for Senior Civil Servants. Since April 2022, 1,160 civil servants from across government have attended training provided by the Parliamentary Capability Team on managing Ministerial Correspondence and Written Parliamentary Questions.

As per the Cabinet Office’s Guide to Handling Correspondence (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/handling-government-correspondence-guidance), departments and agencies should aim to respond to correspondence within a 20-working day target deadline. The Cabinet Office published data on this for 2022 for all government departments on GOV.UK in March 2023, and will be publishing data for Q1 and Q2 2023 shortly. The 2022 data can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-on-responses-to-correspondence-from-mps-and-peers-2022.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, how many meetings she has had with the Chief Whip to discuss Government priorities and the legislative programme in the past 12 months.

As Leader of the House of Commons, I meet regularly with Cabinet colleagues to discuss issues across my portfolio and will continue to do so.

1st Sep 2023
To ask the Leader of the House, what data their Department holds on the average response time to written parliamentary questions in the last six months; and what assessment they have made of the adequacy of that response time.

Parliament has a right to hold Ministers to account and, as Leader of the House, I expect Government Ministers to respond quickly and effectively to written parliamentary questions. I will continue to drive that message and I encourage members who get an unsatisfactory response to write to me and I will take this up for any Member who does not get a proper response.

Data on response times to written parliamentary questions is held by the House, not government, and the ​Procedure ​Committee has a strong track record of calling Ministers in to look at​ departmental​ performance where there are issues​. Their regular reporting of performance continues to be an effective tool​. ​I note the Procedure Committee's report from earlier in this session on written parliamentary questions during the 2021-22 session​ and ​I was pleased to read that the number of answers provided on time has improved from the 2019-21 session. ​I hope we will see this improvement continue when the Committee publishes its next report following the current session. ​

I recognise that my office and I have a role to play in making representations to Government on behalf of the House of Commons, and have taken a number actions:

  • In line with the practice of my predecessors, I have written to all members of Cabinet.
  • I met with all departmental Permanent Secretaries where I reiterated the importance of substantive and timely answers to written parliamentary questions.
  • I participated in a ‘Leading in Parliament’ session with Senior Civil Servants.
  • I met with the Home Office Permanent Secretary following a number of concerns raised during Business Questions.
  • In November 2022 my office published an updated Guide to Parliamentary Work which is available on Gov.uk and includes guidance for civil servants on answering written parliamentary questions (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guide-to-parliamentary-work).
  • My office oversees the Parliamentary Clerks’ Working Group, which brings together all departmental Parliamentary Clerks from across Whitehall to discuss topical issues and share best practice.

The Parliamentary Capability Team in the Cabinet Office also provides training on managing parliamentary work to civil servants of all departments and grades, including blended learning courses on Written Parliamentary Questions and tailored workshops for Senior Civil Servants. Since April 2022, 1012 civil servants from across government have attended training provided by the Parliamentary Capability Team on managing Written Parliamentary Questions.