Make it a legal requirement to keep medical services proportionate to population

The Government insists on building more and more houses. But there is no legal requirement on Councils or Developers to make sure there is sufficient provision of Doctors, Dentists, or school places to keep pace with the increasing population. I would like it to be a legal requirement to do so.

This petition closed on 30 Sep 2020 with 23 signatures

Reticulating Splines

In Harleston, Norfolk, we have had a major increase in housing in our market town. The medical provision is falling, though the number of houses and people goes up. You cannot get into the Dentist even privately, and the schools are suffering.
I believe it should be a legal requirement for the Councils and Developers to ensure that there is sufficient services, before more houses are built.
Just building houses is breaking the system. It is degrading the services for everyone, including newcomers.

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Reticulating Splines