Enshrine tree planting target in law

The UK is hosting the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference and has already enshrined a net zero carbon emissions target in law. Now is the time for the Government to set a legally-binding tree planting target, in line with the recommendation by the Committee on Climate Change.

This petition closed on 13 May 2021 with 10,508 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Tree planting is integral to tackling the climate crisis. Despite this, only 13% of the UK has tree cover, compared to an EU average of 38%. A legally binding target to plant 30,000 ha of new woodland each year to 2050, as has been recommended by the Committee on Climate Change, that considers best sustainable practices in urban and rural tree planting could help increase biodiversity, reconnect people with nature and deliver on our net zero target.

Petition Signatures over time

Government Response

Friday 21st May 2021

The Government is exploring whether a statutory target for woodland creation in England would be appropriate.

The Government has committed to increase the rate of new woodland creation across the UK to 30,000 hectares per year by the end of this Parliament and to at least treble tree planting rates to deliver improved biodiversity, climate, economic and societal benefits.

England will have at least 12% woodland cover by mid-century, contributing to net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Woodlands will be managed for biodiversity and other environmental and societal benefits, along with providing a sustainable source of timber and other products.

We are exploring whether a longer-term statutory target for woodland creation in England would be appropriate, including possible interactions with other potential environmental targets.

The Environment Bill, currently passing through Parliament, seeks to introduce a mechanism for the Secretary of State to set targets in a number of environmental areas, including woodland creation. The development of any environmental targets will follow a robust, evidence-led process that includes a statutory requirement to seek independent expert advice and a role for stakeholders and the public, as well as scrutiny from Parliament.

We are working towards a public consultation for publication in early 2022 that will include proposed targets and an assessment of their impacts. The newly published England Trees Action Plan sets out plans for achieving an unprecedented increase in woodland creation in England, supported by the Nature for Climate Fund. This programme of work will support the Government’s tree planting ambitions over the course of this Parliament and help to increase woodland creation rapidly in England.

Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs

Constituency Data

Reticulating Splines