Fund access to Kaftrio for CF patients in England in line with other UK nations

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the NHS is providing Kaftrio in line with US FDA regulations, in which anyone with one F508 gene and any other second gene can have Kaftrio, which has been proven to slow the decline of lung function, the primary cause of death for people with CF.

This petition closed on 3 Aug 2021 with 3,199 signatures

Reticulating Splines

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However, in England, still only patients with one F508 and certain other genes can access Kaftrio, leaving some patients deprived of living a life unlimited. The Government should work with NHS England (like they did with Orkambi) and/or provide specific extra funding to make this lifesaving drug available for people with Cystic Fibrosis with one F508 mutation, regardless of their second mutation.

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Reticulating Splines