Fund checks for the menopause for over 40s

We want women over the age of 40 to be able to get a check for the menopause. There are millions of women aged 40+ in the UK, many of whom are not educated or informed about menopause and the impact it can have on quality of life.

This petition closed on 1 May 2024 with 692 signatures

Reticulating Splines

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Currently over 40s are offered NHS health checks, but this does not cover menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms and their management. Campaigners and MPs have called for the menopause to be included in these health checks, and we want the Government to provide funding for regular checks for the menopause for over 40s. It's a simple action that will support women, and could save the NHS money in the longer term, and also help the overall economy, as it could help women be better equipped to deal with menopause in the workplace .

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Reticulating Splines