Reform the House of Lords with an age limit and appointment of activists

We would like the Government to introduce reform in the House of Lords by introducing an upper age limit and appointing activists, particularly environmental activists who have completed prison sentences.

70 Signatures

Thursday 14th December 2023
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Friday 14th June 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 80

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We don't believe that is easy for activists to land in prison, it takes loads of passion, commitment and determination. We think that those who have achieved this are true heroes of modern times and some should become peers in the House of Lords. The average age of members is also 71, which is far higher than the average UK age. As we consider the House of Lords as no longer fit for purpose, the Government should implement reforms. We believe an upper age limit and appointing environmental activists who have completed prison sentences, who we see as changemaking heroes, could be beneficial for the House of Lords.”

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