Require communications from Private Parking companies to be traceable/trackable

Amend the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA 2012) to require private parking companies to send all communications to a vehicle's keeper by a trackable and traceable method, such as recorded delivery or registered post.

289 Signatures

Friday 22nd December 2023
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Saturday 22nd June 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 309

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PoFA 2012 requires that a letter to keeper is delivered within 14 days of an alleged infringement but that it can be assumed that such a letter was delivered on the 2nd day after posting. In modern Britain, I believe that expecting the post office to deliver that quickly is unreasonable, and this makes the system open to abuse by parking operators, who can claim to have sent letters that don't arrive. This potential abuse could be avoided if all letters of this type were tracked and traceable.

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