Change Law - Drivers Who Cause Death or Serious Injuries must be banned for life

We believe our Laws are Outdated and Weak and they need Updating, Vehicles are Lethal Weapons and Must be Treated as such, Far too many Innocent People including Children Being Killed, Serious Bad Driving and Speeding cause these. We believe people getting their Licenses Back is not acceptable.

70 Signatures

Wednesday 20th December 2023
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 20th June 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 84

Reticulating Splines

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1. Introduce a progressive licensing system for young drivers under the age of 25 - 24,080 signatures
2. Ensure those with mental health conditions continue to be eligible for PIP - 2,795 signatures
3. Increase sentences and create a public database for dog cruelty offenders - 4,237 signatures
4. Create a new body to regulate service charges for residential property - 17,435 signatures
5. Allow people to stay in the UK if their employer’s sponsor license is withdrawn - 17,083 signatures

We do not Consider that driving on our Roads is Safe with Multiple Accidents every day. Drivers are Still on Phones on Motorways and other Roads NOT with their mind on the road which seriously affects safety of others, Safe Drivers have to Pay Higher Insurance because of this, they need a VERY STRONG DETERRENT, Remove them from our Roads when caught. The Law should be Changed so that drivers who cause Death or Serious Injury must be banned for life.

Save Lives as it Could Be your Family Next which is after the FACT.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines