Stop spending taxpayer money to support Ukraine

Many British people can barely afford to heat their homes or feed their families, the road system is in a state of disrepair, the NHS is on its knees, yet the Government can’t afford to fix that but can afford to send another £2 Billion to Ukraine. We want the Government to use OUR money in the UK.

107 Signatures

Monday 22nd January 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Monday 22nd July 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 161

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1. Donate Tranche 1 Typhoon aircraft to Ukraine instead of stripping for parts - 3,083 signatures
2. Pledge 0.25% of GDP to military aid for Ukraine for the next 4 years - 2,173 signatures
3. Fund Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) Research and Provide Support for Sufferers - 4,549 signatures
4. Require hospitals to permit partners to stay overnight with new birth givers - 2,804 signatures
5. Increase funding for treatment and research into endometriosis - 8,741 signatures

We believe the decision by the Government to spend so much money on supporting Ukraine is abhorrent, and that this is not how the money of tax payers, many of whom are struggling to make ends meet, should be spent. We think this should NOT need to be said.

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