Seek to expel USA from the UN using Article 6 of the UN Charter

We believe the USA has persistently violated the principles of the UN Charter, both with and without its veto power, including by vetoing motions relating to Palestine, including calls for an immediate ceasefire.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 4,254 signatures

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We want the Government to raise our voices and invoke Article 6 – to seek to expel the USA from the United Nations.
Article 6 allows for any member of the UN to be expelled – even if they sit on the Security Council – for persistently violating the principles of the United Nations. Expulsion under Article 6 is decided by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

We believe the UN is in need of fundamental reform so it can properly and fairly represent the nations of the world and ensure global justice, peace and friendly relations between all peoples including, but not limited to the people of Palestine. We think expelling the USA from the UN is the first necessary step in this process.

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