Introduce a rehoming scheme for banned breeds

Amend legislation and establish a Rehoming Scheme specifically tailored for rehoming banned breed dogs that are of good temperament, collaborate with reputable rescue charities and organisations, ensuring that potential adopters undergo thorough screening and education on responsible dog ownership.

429 Signatures

Tuesday 16th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 624

Reticulating Splines

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This could help prevent unnecessary euthanasia of dogs. I am concerned about the fate of stray or abandoned exempted dogs and those seized under section 1. Under the current legislation they face euthanasia due to their banned breed status. By advocating for the rehoming of these dogs with responsible owners, my aim is to give these animals a chance at life in a loving home. I believe all dogs, regardless of breed, should be judged based on their individual behaviour and temperament, not unfairly discriminated against.

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Reticulating Splines