Allow tax reclaim on extra student loan payments

Allow students to reclaim tax on any additional payments they make on their student loans, outside of that deducted from their salaries through PAYE. This means that you could reclaim the tax on the money you use to make extra payments, which has already been taxed.

17 Signatures

Tuesday 16th April 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Wednesday 16th October 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 40

Reticulating Splines

I think that, at 7.7% interest rate, well above current inflation, it makes it near impossible for the average student to pay back their student loan. Student loans can become a burden on young adults and puts restraints on them progressing with equal opportunities.

I think that student finance has become a cash cow for the Government. I personally believe that the current system is a method of targeting people at the earliest point in their career and constitutes institutional exploitation.

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