Mandate national service for carrying a knife, with an annual knife amnesty

We want anyone who is found guilty of illegal possession of a knife to be sentenced to national service. We also want an annual knife amnesty on 26 April, where people can give up illegal knives.

124 Signatures

Tuesday 7th May 2024
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Thursday 7th November 2024
Estimated Final Signatures: 930

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You may be interested in these active petitions

1. Introduce mandatory minimum sentences for possession of a knife - 6,298 signatures
2. Ban carrying all knives regardless of length in public and increase sentences - 6,903 signatures
3. Make the sale of catapults/ammunition and carrying catapults in public illegal - 11,709 signatures
4. Create a new body to regulate service charges for residential property - 17,787 signatures
5. Review rules relating to blue badges for children under three - 6,275 signatures

Too many people, including young adults, are committing knife crime offences, including murder, having previously been charged with other knife crime offences.

We believe national service could help ensure offenders are rehabilitated, and tackle high rates of knife crime.

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