Give parents/guardians a right to access social media accounts of their children

I want parents/guardians to have the right to be given access to their children's social media accounts, by social media providers, both when the child is alive and if they are deceased.

This petition closed on 30 May 2024 with 126,033 signatures

Reticulating Splines

My son Jools was 14 when he took his life in 2022. At the time the new Coroner's powers to request social media access were not in force. However, I also think this is too late.

Since my son's death, I have not been able to access information to see what my son was looking at that could have contributed to him taking his own life.

Parents should have the right to full access to their child's social media accounts either whilst they are still alive (to protect them) or if they die as in my case.

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Reticulating Splines