Universal Credit

(asked on 18th December 2018) - View Source

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have identified the locations for the managed migration "test and learn" process for Universal Credit, beginning in July 2019.

Answered by
Baroness Buscombe Portrait
Baroness Buscombe
This question was answered on 4th January 2019

As part of our design process for managed migration we are considering different approaches for how to best migrate claimants onto Universal Credit. We are currently working closely with a large and diverse range of stakeholders to co-design migration processes that work for everyone and most effectively support those who will need more help. We will begin managed migration on a small scale in 2019 to pilot our processes and ensure that they are working by adapting them and building on feedback before we begin to take on larger volumes of claimants.

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