(asked on 14th July 2015) - View Source

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many copies of the NATO Fact Sheet "Russia's top five myths about NATO" have been circulated (1) in the United Kingdom, and (2) to members of both Houses of Parliament.

This question was answered on 24th July 2015

The British Government has not circulated any North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) fact sheets in the UK or to Members of Parliament or the House of Lords. However, we do commend them to all Members as an excellent resource, and I attach NATO’s “Russia’s top five myths about NATO” fact sheet to this answer and am placing a copy of it in the Library of the House. This and other fact sheets are freely available on NATO’s website. NATO’s own figures show that around 7700 UK-based users have accessed its “NATO-Russia relations: the facts” webpage, while many thousands more have engaged with its content via social media. Additionally, since the start of the Russia/Ukraine crisis the Government has regularly exposed Russian myths through social media, including promoting NATO’s myth busting content. We will look for further opportunities to bring such valuable info to the attention of this House.

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