Scotland Office Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for the Scotland Office

Information between 26th July 2024 - 4th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Written Answers
Scotland Office: Public Expenditure
Asked by: John Lamont (Conservative - Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk)
Wednesday 31st July 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, if he will provide a breakdown of underspend in (a) his Department and (b) departmental arm's length bodies in this (i) financial year and (ii) spending review.

Answered by Ian Murray - Secretary of State for Scotland

A breakdown of the Department and its arm’s length bodies underspend in the current financial year and over the spending review are disclosed in the Department's Annual Report and Accounts:

Scotland Office: Cost Effectiveness
Asked by: John Lamont (Conservative - Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk)
Wednesday 31st July 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, whether he plans to (a) implement and (b) cancel efficiency savings budgeted for by the previous Government for (i) his Department and (ii) departmental arm's length bodies; and what plans he has for further such efficiency savings.

Answered by Ian Murray - Secretary of State for Scotland

Decisions regarding budgets for this year were set in the last spending review and for future years will be a matter for the upcoming comprehensive spending review which my department is engaging in. The uncovering of £22bn of in-year hidden pressures has added to the strain on departmental budgets as set out by the Chancellor to parliament on 30 July.

Public Sector: Scotland
Asked by: Zubir Ahmed (Labour - Glasgow South West)
Wednesday 4th September 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, what discussions he has had with the Scottish Government on the potential impact of the Chancellor’s statement on public spending inheritance of 29 July 2024 on public sector pay in Scotland.

Answered by Ian Murray - Secretary of State for Scotland

The financial inheritance - the worst inherited by any incoming Government since World War 2 - was compounded by the unforeseen £22 billion black hole in spending left by the previous Government. This means we face hard choices we didn’t expect or want to make to fix the foundations of our economy.

What the previous Government did - spending the Treasury reserves three times over by July - was reckless and unforgivable. They also for the first time excluded an affordability clause from the Pay Bodies and the SNP had no set pay back either.

The Scottish Government is responsible for public sector pay awards for devolved workforces. Barnett consequentials and Supplementary Estimates for 2024-25 will be confirmed at the budget in October and the Spending Review will set block grant funding up to at least 2027-28. This will allow the devolved governments to financially plan over a longer period of time.

Radicalism: Scotland
Asked by: Blair McDougall (Labour - East Renfrewshire)
Wednesday 4th September 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, what steps he is taking with the Secretary of State for the Home Department to help tackle far-right extremism in Scotland.

Answered by Kirsty McNeill - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Scotland Office)

The past weeks have been frightening for many of our communities in Scotland, in particular for Muslims. I will never forget hearing from a young woman who has asked to work from home indefinitely because she is so afraid to be in a city centre, in Scotland, in 2024, wearing the hijab. That is intolerable and cannot - and will not - be accepted.

So I do not share the complacency of some that Scotland has no issues around racism and Islamophobia to address.

The UK Government and Scotland Office are determined to play our part in defeating hate. I am grateful to the civil society and voluntary organisations throughout our communities whose efforts are so vital in supporting that endeavour, and to Police Scotland for their work in keeping us safe.

While I am confident that the true values of this country are best reflected by millions of decent, law abiding people who cherish our neighbours and will not be divided, we must acknowledge that mosques, synagogues and other buildings used by a range of faith communities in Scotland have had to take advantage of Home Office funding for security. Their need to do so shames us all and we will not rest until those responsible for violent disorder are brought to justice and everyone, of every faith and background, feels equally safe.

This government will continue to promote unity and solidarity across the diverse communities that so enrich life in Scotland and the United Kingdom and bring to justice all those engaged in thuggery and violent disorder.

Potatoes: UK Internal Trade
Asked by: Carla Lockhart (Democratic Unionist Party - Upper Bann)
Wednesday 4th September 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, what discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the commercial movement of potatoes from Scotland to Northern Ireland under the Windsor Framework.

Answered by Kirsty McNeill - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Scotland Office)

The Windsor Framework has lifted the ban on the movement of seed potatoes between Great Britain and Northern Ireland under the Northern Ireland Plant Health Label scheme.

Once planted in Northern Ireland, the new crop of seed potatoes can be sold with no restrictions. This reflects long-standing arrangements for biosecurity, and our commitment to upholding a smooth flow of trade with Northern Ireland.

Scottish Cities Alliance
Asked by: Graeme Downie (Labour - Dunfermline and Dollar)
Wednesday 4th September 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, what plans he has to work with the Scottish Cities Alliance.

Answered by Ian Murray - Secretary of State for Scotland

The Scottish Cities Alliance is an important stakeholder. There is a clear synergy in the work of the Scottish Cities Alliance and how this Government wants to kickstart economic growth in all parts of the country. Therefore, I have plans to meet with the Scottish Cities Alliance in the future to hear about their very important plans for the economic potential across Scotland’s eight cities and better understand how they can better work in partnership with this Government.

Scotland Office: Ministers
Asked by: Kit Malthouse (Conservative - North West Hampshire)
Monday 2nd September 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, what (a) statutory and (b) non-statutory direct ministerial appointments excluding special advisers he has made; and (i) who the appointee was and (ii) what the (A) remuneration, (B) title and (C) terms of reference was for each appointment.

Answered by Ian Murray - Secretary of State for Scotland

I can confirm that I have not made any statutory or non-statutory direct Ministerial Appointments since taking up office as the Secretary of State for Scotland on 5 July 2024.

Department Publications - Transparency
Thursday 1st August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024
Document: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024 (webpage)
Thursday 1st August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024
Document: (PDF)
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: GPC spend over £500: July 2024
Document: GPC spend over £500: July 2024 (webpage)
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: GPC spend over £500: July 2024
Document: (webpage)
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Departmental spend over £25,000: July 2024
Document: Departmental spend over £25,000: July 2024 (webpage)
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Departmental spend over £25,000: July 2024
Document: (webpage)

Department Publications - News and Communications
Wednesday 31st July 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Scottish secretary reacts to GDP for May 2024 and Q1 2024
Document: Scottish secretary reacts to GDP for May 2024 and Q1 2024 (webpage)
Thursday 1st August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Scottish Secretary hosts a reception for Edinburgh's festivals
Document: Scottish Secretary hosts a reception for Edinburgh's festivals (webpage)
Tuesday 13th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: UK Government Minister for Scotland reacts to LMS for August 2024
Document: UK Government Minister for Scotland reacts to LMS for August 2024 (webpage)
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: GERS stats show higher public spending for Scotland as part of UK
Document: GERS stats show higher public spending for Scotland as part of UK (webpage)
Wednesday 28th August 2024
Scotland Office
Source Page: Scottish Secretary responds to GDP for June 2024 and Q2, 2024
Document: Scottish Secretary responds to GDP for June 2024 and Q2, 2024 (webpage)

Scotland Office mentioned

Parliamentary Debates
Budget Responsibility Bill
74 speeches (32,890 words)
2nd reading
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Commons Chamber
HM Treasury
1: Dave Doogan (SNP - Angus and Perthshire Glens) He mentioned the former Labour Minister in the Scotland Office Ann McKechin, who invited me to her constituency - Link to Speech

Making Britain a Clean Energy Superpower
135 speeches (38,212 words)
Friday 26th July 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
1: Torcuil Crichton (Lab - Na h-Eileanan an Iar) Just as the Labour Government of ’97 established, from the pre-devolution Scotland Office, a community - Link to Speech

Bill Documents
Jul. 30 2024
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2024 (c. 23)
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2024
Act of Parliament

Found: Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General, 2024-25Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate

Department Publications - Transparency
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Cabinet Office
Source Page: List of Parliamentary Private Secretaries (PPS): September 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: , Media & Sport Matt Rodda MP Northern Ireland Office Becky Gittins MP Wales Office Melanie Ward MP Scotland

Tuesday 30th July 2024
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Main Estimate 2024/25 Memorandum
Document: (Excel)

Found: From the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to cover costs of Special Advisors465=SUM(C67:D67)From the Scotland

Tuesday 30th July 2024
Wales Office
Source Page: Wales Office - Annual Report 2023-2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Member 4 of 5 Notes 1: Rachel Irvine is currently the Deputy Director, Constitutional Policy in the Scotland

Tuesday 30th July 2024
Wales Office
Source Page: Wales Office - Annual Report 2023-2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Member 4 of 5 Notes 1: Rachel Irvine is currently the Deputy Director, Constitutional Policy in the Scotland

Tuesday 30th July 2024
Wales Office
Source Page: Wales Office - Annual Report 2023-2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Member 4 of 5 Notes 1: Rachel Irvine is currently the Deputy Director, Constitutional Policy in the Scotland

Department Publications - News and Communications
Thursday 15th August 2024
Department for Education
Source Page: Child Poverty Taskforce kicks off urgent work to publish strategy in spring
Document: Child Poverty Taskforce kicks off urgent work to publish strategy in spring (webpage)

Found: , Food and Rural Affairs Department for Health and Social Care Wales Office Northern Ireland Office Scotland

Department Publications - Statistics
Wednesday 31st July 2024
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Civil Service statistics: 2024
Document: (ODS)

Found: overall 0.075 0.067 0.083 0.2 0.825 0.746 0.564 0.379 0.415 0.404 Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland

Wednesday 31st July 2024
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Civil Service statistics: 2024
Document: (ODS)

Found: Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland (incl.

Department Publications - Research
Tuesday 30th July 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Government(1)1,237 1,236 1 - 3,490 3,792 678 3 - 767 2,344 335 1,314 16,677 268 2,957 4,956 35,026 Scotland

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Aug. 01 2024
Office of the Advocate General for Scotland (OAG)
Source Page: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024

Aug. 01 2024
Office of the Advocate General for Scotland (OAG)
Source Page: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024
Document: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024 (webpage)

Found: Scotland Office and OAG Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024

Scotland Office mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Directorate
Source Page: Edinburgh rape Crisis Centre: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400409478 - Information Release - PDF (PDF)

Found: Email Exchange with Scotland Office From: [redacted s.38] (External) < [redacted s.38]

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Digital Directorate
Source Page: Messaging Policy 2007: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400400544 - Information Released - Records Management Manual 2006 (PDF)

Found: Secretary of State for Scotland; but that SE is responsible for looking after them, for passing them to Scotland

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Source Page: Nuclear waste, Grangemouth Ineos plant and oil and gas licences: EIR release
Document: EIR 202400416699 - Information released - Annex A & B (PDF)

Found: Thanks for flagging regarding [redacted] Scotland Office Ministers will be leading from our side

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Communications and Ministerial Support Directorate
Source Page: Scottish Government devices, use of WhatsApps and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400412530 - Information released - Statistics (Excel)

Found: 00Derrick Bevis2018-05-31 18:37:42I am filling in this incident form on behalf of Brian Dornan, head of the Scotland

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Source Page: Review of A Climate of Change Science Festival: EIR release
Document: FOI - 202400413351 - Information released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: Francesca then led the Scotland Office of the UK Government from January 2015 until her appointment

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Source Page: Correspondence between Transport Scotland and Department for Transport regarding extension to the Borders Rail: EIR release
Document: EIR 202400412009 - Information Released - Annex B (PDF)

Found: particularly to update on from our side at the moment – there was s ome interest in the proposal from the Scotland

Monday 2nd September 2024
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Source Page: Energy correspondence: EIR release
Document: EIR 202400410933 - Information released - Annex C (PDF)

Found: .         ‐‐     Constitutional Policy - Team Leader   Scotland Office   Mobile -      @UKGovScotland

Monday 2nd September 2024
Communications and Ministerial Support Directorate
Source Page: Freedom of Information guidance, monitoring the social media profiles of journalists and sex offender name changing: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400408156 - Information released - Annex (PDF)

Found: Office on FOI and pre-devolution files of The Scottish Offi ce.

Monday 2nd September 2024
Environment and Forestry Directorate
Source Page: Correspondence regarding the Deposit Return Scheme and agreement with BIFFA plc: EIR release
Document: EIR 202400407353 - Information Released - Annex A, B and C (PDF)

Found: May from the Se cretaries of State from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Scotland

Friday 30th August 2024
Constitution Directorate
Source Page: Constitutional futures, Independence and Scottish Child Payment: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400402341 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: fact that the committee will also consider issues around Sewel, and will also look at whether the Scotland

Friday 30th August 2024
Economic Development Directorate
Source Page: Inverclyde Council correspondence relating to the EE Centre in Greenock: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400407505 - Information released - Attachment (PDF)

Found: Ronnie Cowan MP – Inverclyde Stuart McMillan MSP – Greenock and Inverclyde Neil Bibby MSP – West Scotland

Friday 30th August 2024
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Source Page: Meetings with North East Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (NECCUS), Scottish and Southern Energy plc (SSE) and Equinor: EIR release
Document: EIR 202400407153 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: shopping drop offs. in June 2020, David was appointed as Parliamentary Under -Secretary of State at the Scotland

Thursday 29th August 2024
Environment and Forestry Directorate
Source Page: Storm Babet, Storm Gerrit and the Horizon Post Office scandal: EIR release
Document: EIR 202400394943 - Information released - Annex A and B (PDF)

Found: Eleri Wones [REDACTED: REGULATION 11(2)] Scotland

Thursday 29th August 2024
Digital Directorate
Source Page: Policy on deletion of WhatsApp messages: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400400901 - Information released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: Secretary of State for Scotland; but that SE is responsible for looking after them, for passing them to Scotland

Thursday 29th August 2024
People Directorate
Source Page: Declaration and management of outside interests for civil servants: privacy notice
Document: Declaration and management of outside interests for civil servants: privacy notice (webpage)

Found: Scotland, Transport Scotland) and non-ministerial offices (Food Standards Scotland, National Records of Scotland

Monday 26th August 2024
Justice Directorate
Source Page: Scottish and UK Government Engagement on Section 35: FOI release
Document: Scottish and UK Government Engagement on Section 35: FOI release (webpage)

Found: wish to submit a new request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) to the UK Government Scotland

Thursday 15th August 2024
International Trade and Investment Directorate
Source Page: Global Ethical Finance Initiative, Ethical Finance Ltd and Islamic Finance Council UK payments: FOI release
Document: FOI 202300385923 - Information Released - Document 3 (PDF)

Found: billion, equivalent to 7% of total assets, which has fallen from 14% in 2010 • Meetings with SG and Scotland

Wednesday 14th August 2024
Constitution Directorate
Source Page: Correspondence regarding Independent Scotland: FOI release
Document: Correspondence regarding Independent Scotland: FOI release (webpage)

Found: All correspondence, including internal, between the Scottish Government, the Scotland Office, Lord Foulkes

Wednesday 14th August 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2023-24
Document: GERS 2023-24 Supplementary data Expenditure Database (Excel)

Found: affairs1.1 Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs, external affairsS042A005-SCOTLAND

Wednesday 14th August 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2023-24
Document: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (2022-23) (PDF)

Found: were £238 million, around 20% of the UK total. 3 Statistics on Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland

Monday 12th August 2024
Communications and Ministerial Support Directorate
Source Page: Freedom of Information (FOI) training materials: FOI release
Document: FOI 202300374455 - Information released - Attachments (PDF)

Found: Office on FOI and pre-devolution files of The Scottish Offi ce.

Tuesday 30th July 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Funding for the Scottish Government’s overseas offices and Burns Night events spend: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400398829 - Information Released - Annex B (PDF)

Found: the great offices of state, communicating in such misleading and petty terms, at the behest of the Scotland

Scottish Parliamentary Research (SPICe)
Economic inactivity and ill health in Scotland
Friday 26th July 2024
This briefing explores the relationship between poor health and economic inactivity in Scotland. It documents a larger proportion of economic inactivity in Scotland than in the rest of the UK. This reflects both a higher proportion of the population with long-term conditions and a higher correlation between long-term health conditions and disabilities and inactivity, as well as trends by
View source webpage

Found: Accessed through the UK Data Service andPublic Health Scotland .Office for National Statistics, 202437