Frozen British Pensions APPG

First Registered: 29/09/2015 • Last updated on: 30/05/2024

Note: This APPG was last registered on 30th May 2024. The APPG was not registered in the latest release of the 28th August 2024 and may be defunct. Perhaps you are looking for the British Heritage APPG?

To bring together parliamentary supporters of the case to unfreeze British state pensions overseas and to campaign for reform.

Note: All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal, cross-party groups formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords who share a common interest in a particular policy area, region or country. APPGs have no official status within Parliament.
View Official Register Entry

Reticulating Splines
Former APPG Members
Lord Randall of Uxbridge Portrait
Lord Randall of Uxbridge
Vice Chair
Conservative - Life peer
Joined: 14th July 2021
Departed: 30th May 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Lord German Portrait
Lord German
Vice Chair
Liberal Democrat - Life peer
Joined: 29th September 2015
Departed: 30th May 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Bell Ribeiro-Addy Portrait
Bell Ribeiro-Addy
Vice Chair
Labour - Clapham and Brixton Hill
Joined: 28th June 2023
Departed: 30th May 2024
1 APPG Membership
Afrikan Reparations
Peter Bottomley Portrait
Peter Bottomley
Chair & Registered Contact
Conservative - Former Member for Worthing West
Joined: 29th September 2015
Departed: 30th May 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Alan Brown Portrait
Alan Brown
Vice Chair
Scottish National Party - Former Member for Kilmarnock and Loudoun
Joined: 15th June 2022
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Peter Dowd Portrait
Peter Dowd
Vice Chair
Labour - Bootle
Joined: 28th June 2023
Departed: 6th March 2024
1 APPG Membership
Wendy Chamberlain Portrait
Wendy Chamberlain
Vice Chair
Liberal Democrat - North East Fife
Joined: 15th June 2022
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Lord Foulkes of Cumnock Portrait
Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Vice Chair
Labour - Life peer
Joined: 14th July 2021
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Carol Monaghan Portrait
Carol Monaghan
Vice Chair
Scottish National Party - Former Member for Glasgow North West
Joined: 14th July 2021
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
Roger Gale Portrait
Roger Gale
Chair & Registered Contact
Conservative - Herne Bay and Sandwich
Joined: 29th September 2015
Departed: 6th March 2024
No other APPG Memberships
George Howarth Portrait
George Howarth
Labour - Former Member for Knowsley
Joined: 19th June 2019
Departed: 2nd June 2021
No other APPG Memberships
Tonia Antoniazzi Portrait
Tonia Antoniazzi
Vice Chair
Labour - Gower
Joined: 27th March 2019
Departed: 2nd June 2021
2 APPG Memberships
Beer , Rugby Union
George Howarth Portrait
George Howarth
Labour - Former Member for Knowsley
Joined: 27th March 2019
Departed: 8th May 2019
No other APPG Memberships
Sammy Wilson Portrait
Sammy Wilson
Vice Chair
Democratic Unionist Party - East Antrim
Joined: 28th September 2017
Departed: 21st November 2018
No other APPG Memberships
Mhairi Black Portrait
Mhairi Black
Vice Chair
Scottish National Party - Former Member for Paisley and Renfrewshire South
Joined: 28th September 2017
Departed: 21st November 2018
No other APPG Memberships
Yasmin Qureshi Portrait
Yasmin Qureshi
Vice Chair
Labour - Bolton South and Walkden
Joined: 29th September 2015
Departed: 21st November 2018
No other APPG Memberships
Ian Blackford Portrait
Ian Blackford
Vice Chair
Scottish National Party - Former Member for Ross, Skye and Lochaber
Joined: 29th September 2015
Departed: 2nd May 2017
No other APPG Memberships
Contact Details

Registered Contact:

Sir Peter Bottomley MP,

Email: No email supplied

Public Enquiry Point:

Helena Cox-Smith, Tendo Consulting Ltd, Hop Exchange, 24 Southwark Street, London SE1 1TY. Tel: 020 7175 8363



Tendo Consulting Ltd acts as the group's secretariat.

Group's Website:

25 Feb 2023
Tendo Consulting Ltd
Tendo Consulting Ltd is paid by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 25/02/2023 To : 24/02/2024
25 Feb 2022
Tendo Consulting Ltd
Tendo Consulting Ltd is paid by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 25/02/2022 To : 24/02/2023
25 Feb 2021
Tendo Consulting Ltd
Tendo Consulting Ltd is paid by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 25/02/2021 To : 24/02/2022
25 Feb 2020
Tendo Consulting Ltd
Tendo Consulting Ltd is paid by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 25/02/2020 To : 24/02/2021
18 Jul 2018
Tendo Consulting Ltd
Tendo Consulting Ltd is paid by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 18/07/2018 To : 17/07/2019
18 Jul 2017
PHA Media
PHA Media is funded by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 18/07/2017 To : 17/07/2018
14 Jul 2016
PHA Media
PHA Media is funded by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 14/07/2016 To : 13/07/2017
14 Jul 2015
PHA Media
PHA Media is funded by International Consortium of British Pensioners to act as the group's secretariat   From : 14/07/2015 To : 13/07/2016

No direct financial benefits are on record for the Frozen British Pensions APPG