Domestic Abuse Bill 2017-19 to 2019 Alert Sample

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View the Parallel Parliament page for the Domestic Abuse Bill 2017-19 to 2019

Information since 3 May 2024, 5:19 a.m.

Domestic Abuse Bill 2017-19 to 2019 mentioned

Parliamentary Debates
Valedictory Debate
114 speeches (57,382 words)
Friday 24th May 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Work and Pensions
1: Nickie Aiken (Con - Cities of London and Westminster) One of my proudest moments is securing an amendment to the Domestic Abuse Bill so that children are now - Link to Speech

Victims and Prisoners Bill
74 speeches (14,029 words)
Report stage part one
Tuesday 21st May 2024 - Lords Chamber
Ministry of Justice
1: Lord Roborough (Con - Excepted Hereditary) Justice Act 2003, while also responding to local needs.As we committed to do during the passage of the Domestic - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 28th May 2024
Written Evidence - Women's Aid Federation England
ASU0058 - Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK - Human Rights (Joint Committee)

Found: abuse and exploitation, as research has long shown and as highlighted during the passage of the Domestic

Tuesday 28th May 2024
Written Evidence - End Violence Against Women Coalition
ASU0053 - Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK - Human Rights (Joint Committee)

Found: 3 See EVAW’s proposed amendment to the Domestic

Tuesday 28th May 2024
Written Evidence - Refuge
ASU0050 - Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK - Human Rights (Joint Committee)

Found: highlighted by Refuge and other organisations within the VAWG sector during the passage of the Domestic

Domestic Abuse Bill 2017-19 to 2019 mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Justice Directorate
Source Page: Discussions within the Scottish Government regarding Domestic Abuse Register: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202400414000 - Information released - Email 02 (PDF)

Found: The email chain is an exchange between officials of the Scottish government about a proposal for a domestic