Christine Jardine Portrait

Christine Jardine

Liberal Democrat - Edinburgh West

16,470 (31.4%) majority - 2024 General Election

First elected: 8th June 2017

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Women and Equalities)

(since July 2022)

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Cabinet Office)

(since July 2022)

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Scotland)

(since July 2022)

Scottish Affairs Committee
21st Feb 2023 - 30th May 2024
Pensions (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill
17th Apr 2024 - 24th Apr 2024
Ballot Secrecy Bill [HL]
1st Mar 2023 - 7th Mar 2023
Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Bill
8th Feb 2023 - 22nd Feb 2023
Co-operatives, Mutuals and Friendly Societies Bill
23rd Nov 2022 - 30th Nov 2022
Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill
16th Nov 2022 - 23rd Nov 2022
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (International Trade)
7th Sep 2020 - 10th Jul 2022
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Treasury)
7th Sep 2020 - 10th Jul 2022
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Exiting the European Union)
7th Sep 2020 - 10th Jul 2022
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Home Affairs)
21st Aug 2019 - 7th Sep 2020
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Women and Equalities)
21st Aug 2019 - 7th Sep 2020
Liberal Democrat Deputy Chief Whip
21st Aug 2019 - 6th Jan 2020
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Justice)
21st Aug 2019 - 21st Oct 2019
Scottish Affairs Committee
11th Sep 2017 - 21st Oct 2019
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Work and Pensions)
7th Feb 2019 - 21st Aug 2019
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Scotland)
12th Oct 2017 - 7th Feb 2019
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Culture, Media and Sport)
16th Jun 2017 - 12th Oct 2017

Division Voting information

During the current Parliament, Christine Jardine has voted in 5 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Christine Jardine Division Votes

Debates during the 2024 Parliament

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Lindsay Hoyle (Speaker)
(3 debate interactions)
Yvette Cooper (Labour)
Home Secretary
(2 debate interactions)
Nick Thomas-Symonds (Labour)
Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office
(2 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Home Office
(4 debate contributions)
Cabinet Office
(3 debate contributions)
HM Treasury
(2 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Christine Jardine's debates

Latest EDMs signed by Christine Jardine

10th September 2024
Christine Jardine signed this EDM on Thursday 12th September 2024

50th anniversary of the Federation of Small Businesses

Tabled by: Matt Western (Labour - Warwick and Leamington)
That this House congratulates the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), formerly known as the National Federation of Self Employed (NFSE) on its 50th birthday; remembers that in 1974, one small business owner, Captain Norman Small, wrote to the press to begin a small business movement; recalls that Small invited small …
12 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Labour: 8
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
Independent: 1
Liberal Democrat: 1
Conservative: 1
9th September 2024
Christine Jardine signed this EDM on Thursday 12th September 2024

Penguins at Sea Life London Aquarium

Tabled by: Danny Chambers (Liberal Democrat - Winchester)
That this House expresses grave concern regarding the welfare of 15 Gentoo penguins currently being kept in a windowless basement at the London Sea Life Aquarium; notes that these penguins, native to the Antarctic Circle, are confined to a pitifully small enclosure with only six to seven feet of water …
10 signatures
(Most recent: 12 Sep 2024)
Signatures by party:
Liberal Democrat: 8
Labour: 1
Democratic Unionist Party: 1
View All Christine Jardine's signed Early Day Motions

Commons initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Christine Jardine, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

MPs who are act as Ministers or Shadow Ministers are generally restricted from performing Commons initiatives other than Urgent Questions.

Christine Jardine has not been granted any Urgent Questions

Christine Jardine has not been granted any Adjournment Debates

15 Bills introduced by Christine Jardine

A Bill to require an assessment of the impact on women’s safety to be published as a condition of planning approval for major developments.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 6th May 2022

A Bill to grant indefinite leave to remain to health and social care staff; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 6th May 2022

A Bill to require Ministers of the Crown to disclose their tax residency status and that of members of their household, and to disclose whether they and members of their household are beneficiaries of trusts held abroad; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 6th May 2022

A Bill to require United Kingdom clean air targets to comply with World Health Organization guidelines; to require the Secretary of State to report annually to Parliament on that compliance; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 40%

Last Event - 2nd Reading
Friday 6th May 2022

A Bill to make provision for a right to consular assistance for British citizens abroad in cases where there has been, or where there is a risk of, a breach of human rights, denial of access to legal representation, or torture or other human rights abuses; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Monday 11th December 2023

A Bill to require specified organisations and public bodies to inform children and young people of local, national and online support services available to them following a bereavement; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 12th March 2024

A Bill to require social media companies to publish reports setting out the action they have taken to address online abuse against women and girls, and other groups of people who share a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 7th March 2023

A Bill to make provision about the appointment by Parliament of an Independent Adviser on Ministers’ Interests; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 15th November 2022

A Bill to prohibit the differential pricing of products and services that are substantially similar other than being intended for, or marketed to, a particular gender; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Thursday 12th March 2020

A Bill to guarantee the immigration rights of EU, EEA EFTA and Swiss citizens resident in the United Kingdom; to require the Government to provide such persons with physical proof of those rights; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Wednesday 26th February 2020

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to make non-gender-specific passports available to non-gendered, non-binary and other people who do not identify as, or exclusively as, male or female.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 14th July 2020

A Bill to grant indefinite leave to remain to health and social care staff; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading
Tuesday 1st September 2020
(Read Debate)

The Bill failed to complete its passage through Parliament before the end of the session. This means the Bill will make no further progress. A Bill to make provision for certain asylum seekers to be granted permission to work; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading: House Of Commons
Thursday 10th January 2019

The Bill failed to complete its passage through Parliament before the end of the session. This means the Bill will make no further progress. A Bill to prohibit the differential pricing of products and services that are substantially similar other than being intended for, or marketed to, a particular gender; and for connected purposes.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading: House Of Commons
Tuesday 5th March 2019

The Bill failed to complete its passage through Parliament before the end of the session. This means the Bill will make no further progress. A bill to provide for the renaming of the House of Lords as the House of Peers.

Commons - 20%

Last Event - 1st Reading: House Of Commons
Thursday 8th March 2018

29 Bills co-sponsored by Christine Jardine

Scottish Law Officers (Devolution) Bill 2023-24
Sponsor - Joanna Cherry (SNP)

Fertility Treatment (Transparency) Bill 2022-23
Sponsor - Alex Davies-Jones (Lab)

Clean Air Bill 2022-23
Sponsor - Geraint Davies (Ind)

Carers and Care Workers Bill 2022-23
Sponsor - Helen Morgan (LD)

Motor Vehicle Tests (Diesel Particulate Filters) Bill 2021-22
Sponsor - Barry Sheerman (LAB)

Fire and Building Safety (Public Inquiry) Bill 2021-22
Sponsor - Daisy Cooper (LD)

Flexible Working Bill 2021-22
Sponsor - Tulip Siddiq (Lab)

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill 2021-22
Sponsor - Tim Loughton (Con)

Sewage Discharges Bill 2021-22
Sponsor - Tim Farron (LD)

Co-operatives (Employee Company Ownership) Bill 2021-22
Sponsor - Christina Rees (LAB)

Tibet (Reciprocal Access) Bill 2019-21
Sponsor - Tim Loughton (Con)

School Toilets (Access During Lessons) Bill 2019-21
Sponsor - Layla Moran (LD)

Environment (Regulation) Bill 2019-21
Sponsor - Tim Farron (LD)

Company Transparency (Carbon in Supply Chains) Bill 2019-21
Sponsor - Karen Bradley (Con)

Equal Pay (Information and Claims) Bill 2019-21
Sponsor - Stella Creasy (LAB)

International Development (Women’s Sanitary Products) Bill 2019-21
Sponsor - Wendy Chamberlain (LD)

Tibet (Reciprocal Access) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Tim Loughton (Con)

Gambling (Industry Levy Review and Protections for Vulnerable People) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Richard Graham (Con)

Prime Minister (Confidence) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Tom Brake (LD)

Parental Leave and Pay Arrangements (Publication) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Jo Swinson (LD)

Hereditary Titles (Female Succession) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Philip Davies (Con)

Immigration (Time Limit on Detention) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Tulip Siddiq (Lab)

European Union Withdrawal (Evaluation of Effects on Health and Social Care Sectors) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Brendan O'Hara (SNP)

Supervised Drug Consumption Facilities Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Alison Thewliss (SNP)

Pets (Theft) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Ross Thomson (Con)

Abortion Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Diana Johnson (Lab)

Vagrancy (Repeal) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Layla Moran (LD)

Voyeurism (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Wera Hobhouse (LD)

Unpaid Trial Work Periods (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
Sponsor - Stewart Malcolm McDonald (SNP)

Latest 3 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
5th Sep 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, what steps his Department is taking to tackle biodiversity loss.

Britain’s nature is in crisis. Nearly half of our bird species and a quarter of our mammal species are at risk of national extinction. Biodiversity has been declining at an unprecedented rate since 1970.

That is why this Government has wasted no time in announcing a rapid review of the Environmental Improvement Plan, to be completed by the end of the year, to make sure it is fit for purpose.

We will introduce a new, statutory plan to protect and restore our natural environment, delivering on our legally binding target to halt the decline in species abundance by 2030.

Mary Creagh
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
19th Jul 2024
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, if her Department will take steps to restore the level of funding allocated to international development and aid projects to 0.7% of GDP.

This Government is committed to restoring ODA spending at the level of 0.7 per cent of GNI as soon as fiscal circumstances allow. The Government will set out its approach to the House in due course.

Darren Jones
Chief Secretary to the Treasury
30th Aug 2024
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether a person remanded in custody is prevented from receiving (a) visits and (b) phone-calls from next-of-kin if they have been arrested under counter-terrorism legislation but not charged with terror-related offences.

The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) and the accompanying PACE codes of practice establish the powers of the police to combat crimes while protecting the rights of the public. PACE Code H focuses on detention, treatment and questioning by the police under terrorism legislation.

PACE Code H 2023 can be accessed via and details a person’s right to communication with ‘one named person’. The code sets out the following:

While held in custody at a police station or other premises the detainee may, on request, have one named person who is a friend, relative or a person known to them who is likely to take an interest in their welfare informed by the custody officer that they have been detained. They may also request a phone call or other form of communication with the ‘named person’.

At the custody officer’s discretion and subject to the detainee’s consent, visits should be allowed, when possible, subject to sufficient personnel being available to supervise a visit and any possible hindrance to the investigation.

However, in limited circumstances the nature of an investigation might mean that such requests (for visits, phone-calls or other form of communication) cannot be met. This is risk assessed on an individual basis, and in accordance with the considerations set out in Annex B to the Code. In this situation consideration is given to increasing the frequency of visits from independent visitor schemes, such as by the Independent Custody Visitors Association.

Any delay or denial of these rights should be proportionate and should last no longer than necessary.

Dan Jarvis
Minister of State (Home Office)