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Recent Parliamentary Debates

Debates are held regularly in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The most recent debates are shown below.

Friday 6th December in the Commons Chamber

House of Commons

(2 Speeches)

European Union (Withdrawal Arrangements) Bill (Northern Ireland Office)
(255 Speeches)
Contributing Ministers
Fleur Anderson - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Northern Ireland Office)

Business without Debate
(7 Speeches)

Adjournment Debate

Spray Foam Insulation: Property Value (Department for Energy Security & Net Zero)
(5 Speeches)
Contributing Ministers
Miatta Fahnbulleh - Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Energy Security and Net Zero)

Friday 6th December - Other Commons Events
Written Statements

Domestic Murder Sentencing Reforms (Ministry of Justice)
(1 Speeches)
Contributing Ministers
Shabana Mahmood - Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice

Written Corrections

Other Correction
(3 Speeches)

Friday 6th December in the Lords Chamber

House of Lords
(1 Speeches)

Social Cohesion and Community during Periods of Change (Cabinet Office)
(61 Speeches)
Contributing Ministers
Lord Sharma - COP26 President (Cabinet Office)
Lord Khan of Burnley - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)